Caught up 2 - na'vi child

Start from the beginning

Neytiro " you most learn our ways of life as well to stay here among us"

Tsu'tey " we will"

Male navi " do we have to I rather deal with the RDA"

Tonowari " it the rule of eywa" there was tension rising between the groups and someone had to do something right.

Y/n " calm people we are all tried and overwhelmed I will show our guest there new homes come along please, someone will handle you banshees"

Tuk " we will help us well sister" the group had bene given their now house to share with family or friends, you and your siblings were soon back at home. Eating dinner your fathers had been speaking with Tsu'tey a few minutes ago after her was caught leaving the house. That didn't shock you it was Tsu'tey short moment between him and norm that had gotten your attention.


It was the next day since the newcomers had arrived and you found out the kids who were behind Tsu'tey, were his nephews that he was rising now. Your father and some adults were still off about the newcomer and you didn't know why, not even your older kids knew as well.

Tonowari " daughter may I speak with you leave for the day"

Y/n " yes father"

Tonowari " I want you and your brothers to help Tsu'tey nephews with their lessons, you will be able to help due to ..."

Y/n " me being a navi from both the forest and ocean sure father"

Tonowari " good now go and make sure they learn well"

Y/n " yes dad" you made you way towards Tsu'tey family house you were happy to help in anyway you can. You were soon standing at the door that was covered by curtain.

???? " oh hello"

Y/n " hey I'm here to help you and your siblings with their lessons"

???? " oh sure I'm oora we meet yesterday I was the one who was standing by my uncle"

Y/n " oh it nice to meet you oora"

Oora " hey guys get ready y/n here to help us with our lessons"

Oora " this is akaan, Ita, and Elou"

Y/n " hello are you already we will be starting off with swimming"

??? " sister there you" Tsyerio kiro had shown themselves but you have yet to see your other brothers.

Y/n " brothers you made it where are the rest"

Kiro " well spider and Tuk are waiting by the dock for us, while the other three are having a talk with dads about something"

Akaan " we hope we can learn well"

Kiro " you all will now come on it basic training today"

Ita " that good"

Elou " what this basic training"

Y/n " it will be swimming, holding breathing exercises, and learning to speak under water"

Oora " that good"

Y/n " now come on we don't want to wasting good time"


You and your brothers had a tight relationship as you would always come to them for help, that you didn't want to drag your fathers into and they will help you. You would help them as well when they were having a hard time, that how everything was done in the family.

Y/n " ......" you were sitting on a rock in the middl e of coral reef forest. A incident had happened at home when, someone had called you name you didn't like.

??? " there you are"

Y/n " hey Kiro"

Kiro " we came after you after we heard what happened"

Y/n " so I'm in trouble for punching that idiot"

Lo'ak " no you are not in trouble baby sis, once that loser told us everything even we wanted to hurt him"

Spider " we had a feeling you will be here hiding out and getting peace ... so we came to talk with you verse dads"

Y/n " I'm a freak"

Tsyerio " no you are not a freak kiddo"

Y/n " yes I'm there no one else here like me"

Tuk " then you are rare and blessed by eywa, she had helped create you to be something special"

Y/n " then why do I feel different from everyone at home, I'm feel close to the forest and ocean but
... "

Neteyam " but what"

Y/n " I feel close to hot elements since the time on that inland, i alway felt like fire didn't bother me anymore"

Ao'nung " oh that new"

Y/n " Kiro when did you start thinking you felt eywa heartbeat"

Kiro " when I was young do you feel it to"

Y/n " yea and I think I'm going crazy, everyone loves you having this gift but what of me ... I'm scared"

Kiro " you have nothing to be scared about we are here and we will keep you safe, and help you get the answers you need"

Spider " without you we will be bored out of our mind, and Tuk will be the youngest"

Tuk " when you become our sister that day our lives changed for the better"

Y/n " thanks big brothers"

Neteyam " we will always love you baby sister"

Y/n " I will always love you guys as well" soon your brothers had hugged you making you feel better as all worries wash away. You and your brothers had spent of the rest of day until sunset out there talking and hangout together. When everyone got home the fathers didn't ask any questions they were just happy to see their children home and well.

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