"Do you know how much money I owe cause of you!"

"I'm gonna pay you back and I didn't ask you to do that!" Pope nostrils flared as he argued with JJ I could tell he was already feeling guilty about Jj taking the fall and this hadn't been easy for him. "I didn't even ask you too do that." JJ stepped closer to Pope."I just did!" He said breathless with anger. "I'll Pay it back. Right here. Right now. By myself."

He looks back to the van and grabs the bag filled with the stolen money off the floor, "that's exactly what I'll do. I'll go off by myself." He mumbles walking off, I go to move forward, a hand comes to my wrist pulling me back. "Let him go," my older brother insisted, I shake my head. "We don't leave anyone behind," I snatch my arm out of his hand and run up to JJ.

"Hey, wait for me" he stood in front of me and the look in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. "I think... I need to be alone right now." He murmurs, My eyes lowered "O-okay." I stammered on my words and I watched him walk past me.

I checked my phone once more waiting for JJs message but when I had no new notifications my eyes met my canvas. It had a streak of black going down the middle and a girl standing underneath it. I was painting to get my mind off of everything that happened these past few weeks.

After JJ outburst this afternoon I wanted to do something normal for once and my art had been collecting dust in the corner of my room so I decided to paint. when I was younger I used to imagine myself in my own studio with messy paint on the walls and getting commissioned to do what I love, until I was seven that dream replayed in my head like a tired record player but I quickly learned it was unrealistic, my dreams were snatched out of my head and crippled up and thrown to the side, just like this painting.

I step back away from my painting with a smile satisfied with how it was coming out when a heard voices from outside my window, my eyebrows curved and I took out one of my AirPods and I listened out, I recognized Kiara and Pope voice. I wiped my wet hands on my aprons and place down both of my headphones and go for my door, I gently took the nob in my hand and then lazily threw it aside.

"what the hell" I muttered looking around my porch. there were rainbow star lights in the trees leading behind my house, so i curiously followed them and it didn't stop there in the middle of my backyard was a hot tub and light up figures along with a drunken JJ with a champagne glass floating beside him.

"What is going on?" I glance at my friends shocked.

"I bought a hot tub!" JJ exclaims excitedly.

I let out a breath of air, "how much was this?" Kie worries looking around anxiously.

"Uh... we'll, with the generator, the petrol, and oh, hey, expresss delivery... all of it, yeah." JJ says nonchalantly, my eyes bulge out of there sockets, "how...why.. I was home this entire time how didn't I  hear you?" I utter in disbelief.

He chuckles, "you really need to start being aware of your surroundings, cupcake. Maybe take out a headphone or two" he laughs jokingly, I didn't find it funny because JJ looked completely trashed like he had drunk the whole liquor store and all our money was gone.

"JJ how much did you drink?" I wonder, He swims forward and taps on a button and the hot tub starts to change colors, "almost forgot, disco mode" he grins.

"Are you kidding me you could of given it too resutution!"Pope begins to shout. "Or you could of have helped us by sulplies to get the rest of the gold out the well!"

"Okay we'll, you know what? I didn't do that!" JJ stands up, and the glistening water wasnt the only thing my eye caught. my heart shattered within me when I saw multiple tennis ball sized bruises all along the sides of his body. I slowly connected the dots, it all made sense. this act of stupidity was a call for help, and I missed it. I stood wide eyed with my heart in my mouth, the pain behind his eyes hurt me more then anything there was no more tough JJ, he looked broken, scared even. "Oh my, God. JJ." My voice came out cracked and just louder then a whisper.

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