Chapter 5

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She stood there, watching on in horror as the Ninja were flung effortlessly by the Master of Wind. She dropped her gaze to the Master of Fire.

"Please" She pleaded, squeezing her mother's hand. "Get up, Ninja never quit"

Kai forced himself to his feet, gripping his arm painfully. He met the gaze of the young girl, her golden eyes reflecting her worry. She saw Kai nod in reassurance. She smiled, just a bit but it soon faltered when her mom dragged her to their car.

Empathy glared at her crystal, watching the movements of the former Fire Master. He was with someone she didn't recognize, cooking in what appears to be the Monestary's kitchen. There was a lot more to Kai, she knew. His determination burned as bright as his fire. His ego was nearly as large as his heart. She wondered if he would recognize her.

Growing up she always admired the Fire Ninja. Maybe it was because he acted a lot like her, hot-headed and sometimes rash. She wasn't so sure about her heart though...

She, like most of Ninjago's people, had someone she cared about dearly. He was her other half. What they did, they did together. But he was taken away from her. Her selfish mother took him somewhere, and had attempted to do the same with her. But she ran before she had the chance to. She was later found by her current mother, who had adopted her and filled the empty void in her heart. But not all of it. She still felt pain and heartbreak.

Her brother was gone.

She hadn't seen him in 15 years. He was always on her mind, and she wondered... if he was thinking about her too. She also remembered going by a different name, but she didn't remember what it was. Her adoptive mother gave her a new one after she discovered her daughter was an empath. So she named her Empathy.

And from where she was, she could sense Kai's happiness. Whoever he was with seemed to light up his world. She made a mental note of that. She waved her hand, causing the crystal to vanish. Her violet eyes glowed as she did so. Her unnaturally dark hair fell loosely on her shoulders as she removed her hood.

She entered another room, filled with crystals sticking out of the walls and weapons which were lying everywhere. The crystals illuminated the room, reflecting purple, pink and golden lights. She walked up to the center to the room, taking a few deep breaths.

She walked up to a white pod, with her Crystals surrounding the exterior. She ran her fingers over the glass, staring at the person inside. She let a small, bittersweet smile form on her face.

"I'll bring you back. I promise"



The other Ninja had returned to the Monestary, and were very surprised to see Kai, of all people in the kitchen. Cole noticed that he was wearing Zane's pink apron and began laughing.

"Dude, what are you wearing?" Cole wiped a tear from his eye. Kai glared at him as the others began to snicker.

He flipped them off.

"I'm sorry that I'm trying to be more PRODUCTIVE" The brunette screeched with sarcasm. "I just thought I'd try cooking again since its been a while"

"As much as I'd like to question your attire.. " Zane smiled as Kai grumbled in embarrassment. Skylor was standing next to him with a large grin plastered on her face. "I'd like to know what you are cooking"

"It better not be like Cole's cooking" Jay commented from behind Nya, earning a glare from the dark haired boy. Kai scrunched up his face.

"It would take someone with
talent to replicate Cole's cooking" He stated as Cole began to look offended.

"HEY!" Vania snickered at him before giving him a pat on the shoulder. Cole just huffed.

"Anyway" Pixal rolled her green eyes. "We have more pressing matters to attend to"

"Such as?" Skylor piped up questionably.

Pixal just gestured to Kai. "Such as the thing that attacked Kai and nearly strangled him to death"

Skylor mouthed an 'oh'. She also noticed how Kai went back to cooking after Pixal brought that up. Nya and Lloyd also seemed to notice the fact, and walked up to their older brother.

"Are you okay, Kai?" Nya asked as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Kai raised an eyebrow at the question.


"Are you sure?" Worried green eyes stared back into his caramel ones. Kai smiled.

"Dude, I'm okay. It's gonna take more than a cloud to get me down" The eldest sibling smirked in response.

Lloyd rolled his eyes. "Okay... " He wasn't convinced, but it seemed that Kai wasn't bothered by it at all. He decided to take a peak into the pot that Kai was busy stirring. He gasped in delight.

"HE'S COOKING CHILLI!" There were echoes of 'yes!' and 'finally' that could be heard from the Ninja team. Kai chuckled at their behavior before turning off the stove.

"I hope you guys are hungry, 'cause food's ready!"


Lockette found herself storming away from the kids that ran her over.

"Are ALL the people here ignorant? Like, seriously!?" She grumbled. "Ugh, when I find Ryan I'm gonna-"

She suddenly stopped her rambling. She took a deep breath.

"Calm down, Lockette" She told herself. She then shut her eyes and focused her power on finding her sister. There were a lot of Elemental presences she was able to detect due to it being Ninjago, the city of the First Spinjitzu Master. She wouldn't admit it out loud but it made her envious.

All these people were living together in harmony. No one seemed to care if the other had powers or not. It was peaceful.

For now.

'They won't be smiling for long. If we can't get happiness, they won't either.'

I'll make sure of it.


So.... I kinda forgot this book was here LMAO. I'm sorry please forgive me.

I've been pretty busy the last year, and I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long. But I'm back :) anywho, I hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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