Normal day?

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" listen up! We have to find a new chaser and a new beater! So those that are interested come to the quidditch's field for the try outs!- said flint " riddle didnt you say your sister wanted to join too? " " theres no way ill let her on the team thats final.. unless father agrees " " but how is it possible that i get to play but not my twin?!"- asked mattheo " ask this to dad! Thats not on me i swear " " malfoy is late, has anyone seen him today?" " hes at the hospital wing .."- answered pansy " parkinson what are you doing here thats a closed area for players only"- said flint " hold your horses now .. i came here to fetch snape as his father is asking for him " " if i died youll know who did it"- joked sirius " wish you luck with uncle sev!!"- laughed mattheo.

" mind telling me why your skipping classes these day mr Sirius albert snape?!"- asked severus his son " i had quidditch—" " dont lie to me" " fine i was sneaking to hogsmade to get snacks everyday "- answered sirius truth fully " how did you even manage to do that?!"- yelled the professor " sorry dad but i used a ployjuice to act—-" - was cutted of by his father looking like he's about to explode " opps i said too much " " detention for a week! And no quidditch practice too until i allow you to do you understand?!" " yes father i am sorry" " be thankful no one saw you ".

" pansy hi.. uhh did you do the charms assignment ?"  " yes i have riddle do you want help?"   " yes please tom is busy with quidditch "  " alright here , but give it back before classes "  " ok i will , oh and thanks "  " you welcome.." | "weasltwins mind to have a talk?"- called out tom  " comin right up"- answered george  following tom to the black lake  " i missed talking to you guys its all your little siblings fault ya know"  " our parents too if you add it up though "   " i haven't seen percy for days is he alright?"  " yes actually he is busy with headboy duties "  " is your brother insane? I hate how he is with potter and a mudblood "  " dont even get me started tom he is believing potters lies and he even is getting worse "  " why you guys weren't in slytherin ugh!  Good thing i have my two babies with me or else I would've hexed this school"  " babies??"  " he means theo and luna you dork"  " ohhhh makes sense "  " you guys go back inside first i have something to do..".     " ok then bye riddle! See you later "- answered fred  .

As tom walked to his room he noticed water coming out from mattheos bathroom so he decided to check it out...

" theo merlin hell!!!! Why would you leave it open"- scolded tom  " sorry tommy but i was  practicing a spell and accidentally caused this mess"  " step back.. REPARO!"- sighed tom as he fixed the bathtub  faucet  " next time practice outdoors! Ok?"  " ok"-pouted mattheo   " whats with your hair .. here let me fix it " - smiled tom brushing his brother hair with his hand " now you look better" .

3 months later ...

"10 galleons that we win today!"  " oh then i bet 20 galleons  " - said sirius  " that's annoying ugh!!!! Game is canceled " - shouted mattheo in frustration as professor snape announced that the match is cancelled  " what the f**k why!!!! " - asked flint  " i dont know but we have to get back to the common room asap"  " something is suspicious "- said draco  " i know something smells fishy thats the second match that's canceled !"  " to answer your questions.. i will tell you but this can't get out understood? "- said severus interrupting them  " father what is it?"  " someone has played a sick joke to set the slytherin team stands on fire its not safe for you guys to play "  " bloody hell! I think i know who is it"  " care to say mr.flint?"  " wood himself he was kept on saying he's gonna take his team revenge "  " wood is a coward he wouldn't do it"  " tom is right marcus"  " lets just go before I murder someone "- hissed tom to his brother in parsel tongue  " count me in"- hissed  back mattheo.

" mr.riddle what do i own this pleasure for having you here ?"- asked braty crouch .sr " i wonder why you did a poor job mr .crouch for the freaking safety of students at hogwarts? Mind you that the minster if education totally ignored my warnings about mr.dumbledore " " I sincerely apologize for that as we still haven't decided on albus dumbledore fate , after removing mr .James potter from his position there was issues in the investigation " " what do you mean!!!" "Mr potter will be re appointed after begin fired i fear i cant stop this as its directly from above " " FOR MERLIN SAKE MY KIDS SUFFERED ENOUGH!!!!! Along with all slytherins ! That crab exuse of school is playing favorites! "- shouted thomas having enough " mr. Riddle I understand what are you saying but —-" " SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE i LOSE MY MIND!!!" - hissed thomas disappearing to his house. / " master .. do you want donna to fetch you some water ?"- asked the house elf " please , yes " " right away master " .

" draco... you have to get back home .." " why trix?" " mom just owled me ..adrian ..h..he is in st.mungo.. " " .. w.what happened to him! Please dont tell me ——-" got shocked as his cousin nodded her head confirming his fear " draco where are you"- said lucius " " " come we have to get to st.mungos your teachers already know " " ok father..".

<<after adrain getting the wizard flu when he was just 2 years old his body gets weaker each time he gets ill ...that explains why his family we're trying to protect him and give him attention >>

" ad dont worry after you get discharged we can play chess and hang with the others "- said draco trying to make his little brother happy " but the healer said i wont be out until 2 weeks " " i know but if you listen and kept eating your med father and i will take you back home as soon as you get well " " promise dragon?" " I promise " - smiled draco at his brother .

~ end of chapter 4~

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