D&L wedding

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A/N:Sorry for the delay I wanted to add more into this chapter thats why it took days to finish💚

Its finally a day before lunas & draco wedding , everyone is fully prepared and excited for the young couple happy day ...

" mattheo dear, did you pick up your suit?"- asked lily " mmh yes "- answered mattheo while staring at the boy sitting infront of him " come on riddle stop staring at me! I dont want to ruin lunas mood by fighting with you she wouldn't like it at all"- said harry " boys! Behave please you aren't 11 anymore"- scolded lily " sorry mother..." " now theo go check if your uncle has the rings or he had lost it" " sure ms. Snape " -mumbles theo as he walked to the living room where severus was chatting with tom and Lucius " oh theo whats wrong? You look worried"- asked tom " u..uh nothing its fine .. everything is fine , anyways uncle sev where did you place the rings?" " rings? What rings" " uhhh luna and draco ring....?" " Lu I thought you had the box!" " no i dont.. " " relax everyone its with me! Merlin you should've asked me first i was literally sitting front of you mattheo "- hissed harry tossing the box to tom " you and your attitude!"- mumbles mattheo clearly pissed " smell another fight coming "- Lucius told severus " i don't doubt that".

" pans what if everything goes wrong ...what if i fell while walking down th——- " " girl stop worrying! Everything will br alright , now come on and cheer up its your big day tomorrow" " i don't know pansy im so nervous" " draco is a lucky guy hes so in love with you .. there's nothing to be nervous about you both cherish eachother dearly " " thank you pans i really needed someone to tell " " thats what best friends are for "- smiled pansy // " relax man ! It'll be alright "- said blaise " what if she found someone else an..and fell out of love with me?" " draco , she won't she loves you so much and besides she would never leave your side " " hey guys what's going on ?"- asked mattheo " theo that so called brother in law of yours aka bestie aka your sister's husband wont stop being negative!" " mate you really need to chill! Your wedding is tomorrow and i dont want you running away "- scolded Mattheo jokingly " come on you know I wouldn't do that theo "- replied draco " then relax dray!" " ok ok i will ".

Toms pov :
I was making sure that everything is going to be perfect for tomorrow, im so excited because my little mooney is a full grown beautiful lady now i think if our parents were still here they would've been so proud .. since she asked uncle Severus to walk her down the aisle as her godfather..me and theo will be beside draco .. you might be asking why I haven't found anyone yet... well I just didnt meet the right person yet.

Draco pov:
Its already 10 pm right now and i really need to have some rest but .. i am so nervous and excited to even fall asleep... mother forced me to stop wandering around the house so I couldn't see what they were doing.. huh werid but anyways hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow and im so happy that me and mooney are getting married finally after months of dealing with trouble.
<< end of of thier povs>>

Time skip to the wedding  day morning >>

" draco! Wake up! "- shouted adrian trying to wake his brother up to get ready for the wedding " mmh? W..what time is it "  " 8 am hurry up! All of us are ready downstairs your the groom you should be there fast!"   " wait.. what!!! Ok give me 5 minutes ill be ready you guys appear to the hall until im done"- said draco  " ok dragon but please don't go back to sleep!"  " Merlin adrian i wont !"  // " awww  dear you look so gorgeous , draco will lose it when he sees you "- smiled narcissa looking  at luna   " thank you aunt cissy"  "  how long until it starts ?"- asked mattheo peeking in  " come in theo "- smiled luna letting her twin in the bride room   " i—- merlin sis your so .. "- Mattheo couldn't continue his sentence because of soft tears dropping down his face  " hey dont cry .. if  you cry i will cry too"-  mumbles luna as she's about to tear up too   " mattheo! What are you doing in——- are you two crying?! Hey come on it's supposed to be a happy day "- teased tom his two siblings   " boys get out ! Your sister needs to be done preparing "- scolded narcissa  " yes aunt cissy!"- the two brothers replied leaving.

After severus walked luna down the aisle draco literally teared up seeing how beautiful she looked if it wasn't for tom saving him from an a embarrassing situation draco would've almost freaked out or hide " draco! Stop looking at my twin that way or she'll tease u for your whole life "- laughed Mattheo silently "shut up theo please let me enjoy my moment "// " you look beautiful as always darling"- smiled draco " thanks dray, you too stunning as always " - mumbles luna back as it was time for their vows "i .. draco Lucius malfoy, take you as my wife and i promise to love you forever thru sickness and health " " i , luna riddle take you as my husband and promise to cherish and love you " " and now you m——" - the auror was interpreted by the couple kissing already " see told you ! These two would do this "- laughed adrian " hey! Thats my twin. You fool "- teased mattheo .

" congrats dear. Draco take care of her and remember if anything happens owl us right away"- said narcissa " yes mother don't worry" " harry hey.. i see you brought ginny too thought you wouldn't show up gin"- smiled luna " I couldn't decline your invitation besides fred and George tagged along but ron didnt.. dont mind him" " thank you for coming ginny " " congratulations girl your a malfoy now !!"- pansy huged her best friend " come ladies party is starting soon" " wait wasn't it at night?"- asked luna " no love .. remmber we changed the time?" - said draco " oh right sorry" // " fire whiskey anyone!?"- shouted mattheo standing on a chair " get down !"- scolded tom " to mooney and dragon !"- mumbles mattheo before falling of the chair " hahhaha thats what you get for embarrassing yourself mister riddle "- laughed albert along with tom " not funny guys!" " may i have this dance wifey ?"- blaise asked " sure thing love"- smiled pansy taking his hand , meanwhile the new wedded couple were sitting not far from the guests enjoying their day " so.. whats next?" " mmh whats next dray? We can't really know ... but for now lets enjoy it " " your right "- draco took luna hand into his .

-<< time skip :4 hours later

" this is from me and your father dear "- said narcissa handing the couple a house keys " b. But aunt— " " dont be shy its a gift for us to you two... you do need your own space you know.."- smiled lucius " welcome officially to the family sis!"- adrian hugged luna " where did mattheo go? I haven't seen him since dinner was served " " he fell asleep already.. thought he would see you leaving "- replied tom as he was just done changing into his usual clothes " what time are you gonna leave draco?"- asked blaise sitting beside albert " in 2 hours we have to catch the train since flying isn't the best idea to do " " cant i tag along "- pouted pansy causing everyone to laugh " we will leave home now draco.. take care luna you too dragon "- Lucius told the two as he and Adrian along with narcissa disappeared into the fire place // " bye! Dont break her heart DRACO! Or else ill be right there to teach you a lesson!" " Merlin pans dont freak my husband out hes not bad you know!"- teased luna " just joking bestie.. anyways have a safe trip!" " bye see you atfter we return " " goodbye draco .. sissy owl me after you arrive so i wont be worried " " sure thing tommy".

—-end of chapter 29—-

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