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It was the last day of hogwarts for the 7th years , albert and tom were ready to leave and move in their own house , as for Thomas he tried to help his confidence to boast but no matter what he tried he ends up giving up agin and agin .. not until severus made sure he gets all his needed meds .

" master ..minnie wants to inform you that the young masters and mistress are soon to arrive at the platform "- said a house elf " very well... prepare food for them as i have to go somewhere, if they asked about me " " yes master " " if tom showed up hand him that envelope over there and don't spell out anything about me being ill !"- hissed thomas carefully "".

" merlin its so cold in here "  " your right dray, someone must've been playing tricks "  " luna I want to ask you something..."   " sure go ahead "  " i.. like you more than a friend.. I love you luna.. please don't hate me"- stuttered draco  " draco.. omg . I feel the same .. i had a long time crush on you but I thought you were interested in pans "  " what ? No.. parkinson is with blaise "  " wait what?! Why am I just finding out?"  " no clue sorry.. anyways will you go out with me?"  " sure! I would like to "   " hey you two, we were wondering what took you so long to return "- smirked mattheo  "Theo we were just about to head back to the compartment "   " yeah yeah sure .. and you dragon dont you dare break her heart or else ill make sure to hex you for a lifetime "   " do..dont worry Theo i wont  I promise "   " very well then.. come on lets head back so we can get out stuff .. we will reach the station soon"  " ok"- said both draco & luna  .

" can't believe we are done with school "- said tom  " mmh ..and plus we have our own place.. your welcome to come over marcus "   " of course i will"  "umm weasly i see your twin has left earlier why?" -asked albert  " well.. he is with his girlfriend "- said George   " it sucks doesn't it? Having to be a shadow of someone " - muttered  tom  " i agree ...tommy"  " at least we got done with hogwarts for good"  " your right geo . But why i feel like something bad will happen "  " dont worry tommy.. everything is ok "- assured albert his best friend.

" father! Hi"- greeted luna  " hello my dears .. uh where's your brother?"- asked thomas   " he left with Albert to their house "- replied mattheo  "oh...ok"  " father are you ok? You look pale"  " im ok darling don't worry about me .. anyways come on lets go home im sure you two are hungry "  " yes we are" - replied luna  " hold my hands you two "- thomas told the twins// " so .. dad uh.. Have you tried to at least get tom to forgive you?"   " why are you asking theo?"  " because..i hate this  we can't even sit like we used to "  " i know..i am trying theo i really am .. besid——"- got cutted off by a strong feeling of pain  " father! "- mattheo said panicking seeing his dad barely breathing well   " ok..j..just.. a ..little..wave of pain.." - stuttered Thomas getting up leaving the table to his room  " he block me out of his mind..something isn't right "   " i feel the same mooney... hope its not what i am thinking " .

" oi tommy me and Cedric are going to grap fire whiskeys want to tag along?"   " no thanks al  , i have to go somewhere later"   " where ?"  " u..umm to see my mother... I haven't went there for a while "  " look .. my father told me not to inform you.. b..but i think you should know.. uncle Thomas is ill i dont really know whats it called but father said its the same thing that killed aunt violet "   ".. you:. Just say"  " tom.. i really think you should go to him .. you know how this illness is unpredictable "  " i ..i cant face him"  " but why?!"  " i ..i don't know.." .

" harry dear go place you things in your room Severus is coming back soon"  " but mom why are you here living with him.. i—"   " harry .. me and severus are best friends ok? Hes the only one that I trust to keep us safe "  " i am sorry mom"  " its ok.. anyways when you see ava please tell her that her  brother left her trunk in her room "  " yes mom.." " thank you" // " hey lils , i see harry is here already?" " hello pro—-" " call me severus harry its ok" " i am sorry i just feel so awkward.. I think i need time to adjust " " its already dear take all the time you need , oh and you have a letter from luna I placed it on your desk..wait how did she know we are here?" " I told her mom, besides severus is her uncle and god father its only makes sense that way after all " " father... you gotta read this"- ava told her father " what's wrong darling?"- severus replied taking the letter from her " to miss ava snape, we would like to inform you that we accepted you to attend beauxbatons School term starts on july 19 " - severus read the letter out " should I transfer?" " I .. don't know darling.. because youll be so far away I understand that you want it but.. I wouldn't be so relaxed or eased minded " " so..?" " I can't stop you.. even tho i would be worried but you deserve to choose your own " " really?!" " yes ava if you really want to go to beauxbatons then go ahead " " i better go owl them about my decision also I should tell al about this" .

" wow sis that's really good.. dont worry about anything and just follow your heart "- smiled Albert hugging his sister " so she wont attend hogwarts any more?" -asked harry " its hard to decide i mean... hogwarts is like a house to me but —- i am not sure" " ava take your time my dear don't stress.." // " father you haven't even touched your food are you really ok?"- asked luna " yes mooney " "'master i will keep it for you on the —-" " dont bother .. you two ill be at my room please don't cause trouble " " yes dad .." " hes so strange...." " tom is coming over tomorrow he wants to tell us something " " I noticed dad is way skinnier than we last saw him theo.. I can't stop worrying " " hope everything will be alright " .

" lils .. can we talk?" " what is it sev? You look nervous " " i—- Merlin thats so hard to spell out.. anyways.. lily i know we are best friends and so on but lately ive been realizing that.. i am in love with you more than a friend.. —-" " took you long enough.. sev I would like to be your  girlfriend... your my hero always.. "  " really? .. i mean what about our kids they might disapprove "  " sev dont worry im sure they'll be fine with it.. besides I never thought that we will fall for each other after all this time .. who would've known that we will be betrayed by our first loves "  " your right.."- severus held lilys hand to assure her that it will be ok    " you.. and really?!"- shouted harry after he witnessed the confession  " har .. please "  " no mom! What if he hurts your feelings just like dad  did! I don't want to see you cry anymore mother "- stuttered harry  " believe me harry.. it'll be different this time I promise.. for both me and you"  " f..ine ".

" you should've told me ! "  " tom please.. i hid it for a reason"  " you don't understand father do you?' I don't want you to leave us just like mom did .. i dont want to see you getting buried  .. you have no idea how im near the edge now—-"- tom got cutted of by his father hugging him  " im sorry really sorry my boy.. i should've told you at least ...... do you forgive me tommy?"   " I forgive you father .. im so sorry for ignoring you "   " its ok  my boy".

—end of chapter 21—

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