Spinners end

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The most long waited break was finally here  all students were excited to get back to their families and for the holiday fun  , but the riddles  had to be with their god father instead because Thomas was at work  as the ministery is upside down, draco tagged along with Adrian...

" i did not agree on this narcissa "  " come on sev they arent really kids you know"  " merlin if they pulled pranks here i will —-"  " if they did ill take them with me , besides sirius and tom will be in charge right boys?"  " right auntie "- answered the two   " good then... now all of  you go get changed  , ill be in my office  room i dont want to hear a single nosie"- sighed Severus  " father i have something to tell you .. secretly.."  " come " ||  " mother she... she owled me yesterday I didn't tell you because i know you would get mad —-"  " sirius if you want to go see your mom i wont stop you "  " but i dont love her dad ! She left me! She left us ! For some other guy.."- cried out Sirius " dont let her get you sad my boy"- hugged Severus his son tightly to ease him  .

" lunny are you asleep?"  " no draco why arent you sleeping tho?"  " me and theo are planning on sneaking out "  " oh no you wont! uncle Severus will get so mad!"- scolded luna   " you three sleep or ill tell!"- said sirius passing by from his room  " you wouldn't!"  " try me mr .theo " .

" kids dinner is ready!" " it smells delicious, since when you know how to cook sirius?" - asked tom " mmh you can say long time ago also dad left to take adrian and draco back as they're gonna travel " " ill wake the other two i know the stayed awake last night "- sighed tom " theo ! Lu! You two better wake up or i wont take you to diagon alley!" " huh...? D. What?"- whispered mattheo tiredly " now come on wash up so you eat breakfast " " carry meeeee" " no theo use your legs!" " good morning princess I thought you were still sleeping" " no tommy i was reading this book" " what b—- luna where did you get this ?! Thats not a safe one to read " " why?" " it's about dark arts!" " whats dark—- ohh you mean what bad wizards and evil ones use?" " yes exactly now hand it over please "- smiled tom as she immediately handed it over.

Severus pov:
After i took the two young malfoys back to the malfoy manor i had to meet witn remus as he has some interesting things as he says .. sometimes I wonder how this guy is a friend with that jerk james potter ...
<< end of Severus pov

" hello severus " " what is it if i may ask?" " your ex wife ... she left you for sirius black right?" " how did yo—-" " he was my friend ya know .. why didn't you change your son name? If that ungrateful lady named him after him?!" " back then i did not why she did that I thought it was an innocent matter... but when sirius turned 8 she abandoned us and revealed her sick intentions! I had to protect him from her that poor boy is almost living what i had to go through when i was his age ...thats why im trying my best to make him feel loved " "sev i know how you feel cuz i had to go through alot too , i know i did you dirty back then but im happy we solved it " " your welcome to come with me to spinners end Thomas puted his kids under my care " " heard the ministry is messed up " " yeah bet a new minister will be appointed ".

~end of chapter 5~

<<Sorry its a short one>>

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