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Oliver went to to his family house and threatened his parents that if they told anyone that hes in there he would kill them without hesitation... as matter of fact he knocked his father out and trapped him in the basement. With the help of the polyjuice potion he stole his father identity. Why ? He is planning on tricking his dear old brother in law ....

" one word about me begin here mother i swear i will kill you and feed you to my pet"- smirked oliver   " you won't get away with this oliver! "- shouted the poor old women  " shhh , you know i dont joke around ... "  " your evil! I should've abandoned you back then! "  " my my ... mother your so talkative so.. IMPERIO"- while his mom was in his control  he managed to make his commands work.

The slytherin & gryffindors  6th years were having care of magical creatures class when the weasley twins along with albert and tom  ,decided to prank everyone with planting a stinking potion in the one of the plants roots  " eww whats the smell!"- complained a gryffindor  " gross ! Who did that" - asked a slytherin girl  " hehe thats so funny good one weasls "-smirked albert. " good we have the anti one or else we would've been stinking"  " oww true , anyways are you guys going to the yule ball?" - whispered tom  " depends on if i found a stylish suite "  " i agree some are annoyingly expensive but with a bad design " - replied tom  " Will you please pay attention! Mr. Riddle and mr . Weasley!" - scolded prof. Spourt  " sorry , we will pay attention ".

Time skip >>

" draco  do you know the answer for this one my head hurt"  " theo seriously you've been missing with your studies if you failed uncle thomas will get pissed , not to remind you that you've been causing trouble "  " dragon pleaseeeeee mooney refusesd to help "  " sorry but No mattheo go ask someone else "  " your no fun" " go study theo stop playing around!"- scolded tom " merlin when did you get here!" " non of your concern"- smirked tom " tommmmm!!!" .

" dad when will ava come to hogwarts?" " the start of the new school year.. i tried changing her mind but she feels it's better until she learns more spells and stuff "- replied Severus " where is she now then?" " at the malfoy manor narcissia wanted her to stay there so your mom doesn't try to go near her " " didnt she got taken to jail for fraud? Thats what you told me days ago "- asked Albert " yes correct... anyways you should start studying albert exams are next week " " i know father .. see you later".

While everyone in that were in the slytherin common room studying for the upcoming exams.. a certain boy wasnt , maybe you already knew who mattheo wasnt foucsing on what's important instead he was playing around using his wand trying the incendio spell , " hey! Stop that right now mattheo you might lose control and cause a fire !!!"- yelled albert " pfft your annoying all of you are so im heading to my room" - replied mattheo as he left to his room " i better go follow him i know he isn't gonna stop" " be careful tom we all know his this spell is hard to balance well!" " i know al " // " Mattheo listen to my advice and go study ok? Because if you failed you might have to re do the year " " why?" " because you haven't gained enough individual grades during classes unlike the rest both you and Beatrix are falling behind "- said Severus " its that bad? Sorry I thought i was doing good " " theo just mow foucs on studying then later have fun " " ok professor... i will take your advice , and please don't inform dad about this" " i wont if you started to study ".

" what are you doing here father?"- thomas asked his father in law " good to see you agin... thomas riddle "- smirked oliver revealing his real identity " YOU! How dare step a foot here ! And what have you done to david !" " oh easy hes still alive ..." - before he could continue thomas was fast enough to stun him " oliver grindelwald your under aresst for escaping and stealing identity along with multiple charges "- said braty crouch jr .

(Yes he is not evil like the movies thought it would be a good addition)

2 days after the exmas is done...

" you better hope dad doesn't see your grades " " shut up tom i am not in the mood"- hissed mattheo taking his pet black cat with him  " merlin his so called cat is just like him cheez"- complained pansy  " she hates to be touched unless its mattheo or me " - answered luna  "anyways where is draco I haven't seen him the whole day"- asked albert  " hes playing chess with Adrian at the great hall "  " gosh im so hungry "  " but Beatrix you just ate " " shes eats alot when she's nervous or scared remmber "  " shut it riddle , mom is going to kill me ! I didnt pass transfiguration! Ugh thats so annoying "  " I warned you didnt i"  " pan ! Dont remind me or else..!!!" " shut it both of you"- hissed luna .

" ava dear why aren't you eating?"- narcissa asked  " oh sorry i was thinking of something aunt  cissy "  " ok but you should eat darling before it gets cold "  " i will "  " i see you two having some quality time together " - smiled thomas at the two taking a seat   " hello uncles " - greeted the younger girl  " hello dear"- replied Lucius uncertain "Merlin sake! How many bottles you two drank!"- scolded narcissa  " they drank 1 each the strong kind  if I didn't stop them they would've been totally wasted  "- said bellatrix  .

Adrian pov:
Me and draco were spending time together we haven't done that in a while now , cedric has been so busy with his girlfriend   " ad want some ?" Asked me dragon  " no im full draco you eat it instead "  " werid you never said no to jelly"  " i swear i am full "- i replied while foucsing on the game as i know he's doing this to distract me and win , but the joke is on him hahaha  another win here i come!.

<<End of Adrains pov>>

" give me one reason why I shouldn't owl father right now and tell him about your grades !"  " you wouldnt dare tom! I am not a book freak like you alr—-" - got cutted off by tom pulling him to his room  " aha let go tom it hurts! Your chocking me!"  - sighed as tom let go of his cape  " will you behave or want me to ground you and remmber dad gave me permission to do that long ago!"- threatened tom " what a loser! TOM!"- yelled mattheo trying to reach his wand but tom was faster and pulled it away from him " ENOUGH! Im owling dad right away, you skipped classes, disrespected professor trelawney !" " shes a fraud thinking that her so called forseeing is real!" "SHUT UP YOUR SO MUCH OF A DISGRACE! Father doesn't even care about you anymore because your a HUGE MISTAKE "- it took tom a while to realize what he just ranted to mattheo " t..theo i.. i am so——-" " wow tom just wow! I AM YOUR BROTHER FOR MERLINS SAKE!"- shouted mattheo while tears started to fall down from his eyes " theo im so sorry—" " save it! I HATE YOU!"- as he said that mattheo ran to his room locking it and started to cry on his bed while slowly taking his mother picture.

Ever since their mom died the twins get more and more emotional about it as they grew up, as for tom he is trying his best to be there for both of his siblings but what he doesn't realize that sometimes his anger takes over and it hurts mattheos feelings.. why? Because they fight eachother the most unlike luna as she is more of a quiet - cheerful type at home or when she's with her siblings  but not when someone annoys her..

—end of chapter 12–

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