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After the ministry of education arrested albus dumbledore  for many things , it took them a while to appoint a new headmaster for hogwarts , you might've guessed it right... the new headmaster of hogwarts was non other than minevra  mcgonagall—- for the sake of most students it was the best thing ever .

" I can't believe we are already in 3rd year hope it wont be a mess as last year"- said mattheo  " which house do you think Adrian will be in?"- asked blaise  " i dont think he'll be a slytherin tho .. hes too cute , right addie?"  " but i want to be in slytherin tommy,like you guys"- pouted adrian  " hope so , i don't know what grandfather will do if you werent he's scary "- said draco  " good thing dad doesn't like him "  " welp thats true"   " any thing of the trolly my dears?"- asked the witch   " mmh for me i want 2 chocolate frogs "  " make that 3" " add it up to5!"-chimed in both Beatrix & mattheo  . 

" dad are you sure i have to be at the great hall... i still feel sick "- coughed sirius  "  fine rest down its better , i will see madam pomfrey maybe she could get you something to help"  " i— i ok "  " ill tell tom and flint if they asked about you "  " mmmh , whatever i just w—-"-said  Sirius falling asleep on his bed  " sleep well albert"- sighed severus as he covered his son with a blanket and headed to the great hall // " uncle sev — oh i mean professor snape have you seen Sirius?"- asked tom  "hes at his room  not the dorm "  " i got his letter he had the pox?" - said flint   " yes i fear so , on the good side he's better than days ago "  " the school looks so bright now .. "- smiled luna  "happy that dummy dork is gone "  " hes a jerk"  " yeah not gonna talk about him ya know".

" oh its the sorting time.. i hope adrain will be a slytherin or at least ravenclaw "  " imagine what will happen tho i feel scared for him " -said luna  " bet hes gonna be a hufflepuff "  "beatrix dont make matters worse we dont know anything yet"- scolded draco anxiously.

<<after Adrian got sorted

" adrian ... are you ok..?"   " father will be so mad righ..t?"- cried adrian hugging draco  " hey look at me ... you are so sweet ok? Slytherin was never your thing... i knew ever since you saved that kitten back then " - said tom   " theyll leave me ! My family will disown me!"- panicked adrian  " a malfoy in hufflepuff thats funny!"- mocked harry  "shut up potter!! Leave my cousin out of this !"  .

10 days after Adrian got a howler by his grandfather which made the poor little boy in a panicking state //

" mmh malfoy you have to come your brother  fainted during flying lesson"- said a first year hufflepuff    " oh god !"- rushed draco to the hospital wing  " i have owled your parents about his state his heart was beating fast when they brought him here .."  " how is he now? "  " he needs to be watched "  " ill stay with him draco i have free period "- said sirius " thank you albert"  " don't mention it , ill watch over him hes my little brother ".

Meanwhile at the malfoy manor..

" father you have to stop!!! Hes MY SON "- argued lucius with his father  "HEs A DISGRACE TO THE MALFOY NAME!!!!  YOu BETTER DISOWN HIM OR ELSE ILL TAkE MY HOUSE BACK!!!!"-yelled abraxas  " you wont do this its mine now! Its my own home! For years!!! First you wanted me to divorce my own love! Now you want me to throw away my own son! hES YOUr BLOOD TOO hES JUST A Kid for merlins sake!!"  " master ,dobby came to hand you this letter from  young master draco "  " leave it at my office " .

" remmber my boy Adrian that your  special.. me myself they disowned me for getting sorted into gryffindor , i  marri—-"  " how dare you get near him you filthy traitor!"- shouted sirius at his mother husband  " my son sirius finally i get to—"  " I am not your son mr.black! My father is Severus snape and not u !!!"  " are you sure about that ?"  " yes! And if you please leave my cousin alone! Or else I would get the school guards to deal with you ! How the hell did you even get in!!"- shouted Snape as he held up his wand  " you wouldn't tr—"  " OH I DO DARE... stupefy"  "  mr .snape no wand using! In the hospital wing"- scolded madam pomfrey   " sorry but that stinky stealer is an a intruder!"  .

Snape searched for his son he haven't showed up to any of his classes to make things worse non of the slytherins gang saw him at all he knew about the incident at the hospital wing   " Albert! Where are you Merlin just show up !"   " what do you want father "- answered Sirius as he was hiding in the astronomy tower hugging his knees looking down  " hey buddy... did this stinky foot annoyed you agin..?"   " he started his nonsense agin! He kept saying im his son !"- cried out sirius  " no no don't cry , come on get up ".  "Dad it hurts so bad ".

Severus pov:
How dare he hurt my only son feelings! I better figure something out before it gets worse , albert is all i have and i will never leave his side , or maybe i should get Lucius help but he himself is having a rough time with his father buggings so the only person i can trust for help now is thomas
<<end of sev pov

" oii!  Riddle come here "- called out George  " what is it George?" - asked tom   "I heard that your mattheo is going to duel with harry and ron ... well to give you heads up these two wont be nice "  " where are they now?"   "Near the ravenclaw tower "  " lets go before they kill each other my brother isnt that soft "  " and our brother is stupid with his broken wand "  " wait he broke his wand again?"- laughed tom  " we wont repare it for him let that granger girl do it instead " .

" hello darling... i am sorry I haven't visited for a while now i got caught up with work, our babies are all grown up my dear -tommy is such a good brother to luna and theo he protective of them and i am so proud of him , I promise i will bring them along the next time i visit "- smiled thomas at his wife grave after placing some orchids " thomas are you ready to go ?"- asked Lucius " yes lu lets hurry up we have a animagus to catch"- smirked thomas " certainly my friend ".

" crazy isnt it tommy" " don't worry albert everything will be okay soon don't listen to him hes a freak wolfie guy " " no matter how many years it is it still hurts like a fresh scar" " i am right here if you need me thats what best friends for right?" " right.. thank you tom that means alot to me " " have you heard anything about Adrian i dont see him anymore in the great hall during meals " " draco told me that Adrian stays with that diggory boy in their common room .. dont worry Cedric is a great person i talked to him about adrian " " thats a relief i was about to go hex him ya know" " dont you trust me?" " i do but i care for that little guy " " your such a soft hearted when it comes for who you love " " i lost my mom and i am not ready to lose anyone else ... i would rather die instead than any of my siblings " " dont say that ... if you died i would go crazy
" as days goes by I'll always be there for you " - replied riddle..

~end of chapter 6~

The riddle family जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें