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Bellatrix and narcissa  were having a walk around diagon alley  shopping for their kids and for themselves  when  narcissa saw the figure of a certain person they grew up with , but when the women noticed her sister's she Left as fast as she could to aviod bellatrix and cissy.

" cissy why you suddenly stopped ?"- asked bella " oh..nothing though i saw someone i know " " lucius and tom are there "  " hello darling. And  .. bella " - lucius greeted the two   " sorry Lu, ladies  i have to go  I totally forgot that i have something to do, Lucius ill owl you about *it*"   " ok "  " what are you two talking about "- bellatrix asked the guy  " oh its just some work stuff "  " lets go i bet that lunch is ready "  " you two go ahead i have to meet someone "- said cissy  " uhh ....ok? Your acting weird today " - replied bella suspiciously  " im fine its j...just someone i know i promised to meet "- lied cissy to the two  " alright love , be home before dawn ok?"- smiled Lucius at his wife  " ok lu don't worry ".

Cissy walked to were she last noticed her sister walk to when ..." narcissa "- called out a voice  that made her turn around  " that's really you andromeda ! Why did you aviod me "  "sorry cissy i didnt want to let bellatrix notice me, anyways how is your little family?"    " well the boys both are in hogwarts as its common sense and im proud that adrian is an hufflepuff he broke the stereotype"  " thats good , sorry cissy but i have to go ".

" theo wake up! You've been sleeping the whole day"  " i dont feel well luny just let me rest " -whispered theo while the fever is taking over his body   " bloody hell ! Your boiling  stay here ill go ask tom to help "  - after  luna got her older brother to help escort mattheo to the hospital wing  poppy asked them to leave the boy to rest and head to their classes   " he snack out last night didnt he ?"  " well to be honest tom he did ... acutely both of us did along with blaise "- answerd draco walking to his dada class  with luna  " you two better behave ! Or else ill owl both uncle and father "  " ok mister annoying "- said the two  at the same time .

During their free period the  four 3rd years slytherins went to  back to the common to study and do their assignments ," im tried already!"   " riddle you havent even finished the first part "  " oh come on blaise its so confusing its all that granger fault if she shuted up we wouldn't have gotten that much " " luna its not her fault " - said blaise " your defending that know it all?! " - yelled luna " oh no no , i just meant to say that your excusing her when its not her fault " " i think you should stop talking zabini because she's fuming "- whispered pansy to the boy " i can hear you two ,you know!" .

" uncle Severus can we talk ? " " what is it tom? Hurry up I have a class in less than 10 minutes " " ok ill be fast, i want to find albert but hes been ignoring me this entire week ... can you please help me " " i dont know about him tom , hes been roaming around and I thought you two made up already " " we did but we had a huge misunderstanding".- tom told Severus  " look i cant really help you sorry tom  but i think its best that you two figure it out"  " ok... thank you professor snape "- said tom as few students came in .

3 days later >>

" tom is it what i think what it is?"- Lucius asked his friend   " listen, after i checked and it confirmed my thoughts  ... its really our  niece ava, but whats more confusing that she knew who she is and that stupid witch keeps visiting her secretly "   " thats messed up ,sev will be so  mad,  when are we going to tell him? "   " tomorrow the kids  have a match so its a good opportunity "   " wait draco didnt owl me about a match..".     "Draco broke his arm Lucius so they'll let someone cover his post"   "How i never know about this does someone steal my letters.."   " shouldn't you ask cissy or that house elf of yours "  " i think i should".

" oh come on luna i am sorry "  " no theo why would you push me! It hurts know"- luna said with tears streaming down her cheeks  " Theo... what have you done to her! You f**cking pushed her off her broom! What if she died ! "- yelled tom " you should be thankful that I caught her before she hited the ground! Shes your twin and you did this ?!" - interpreted albert " thank you Albert for saving me ... i was so scared " " are you comfortable to play the match mooney?" - asked tom "no , i still feel lightheaded maybe if you can ask prof. Hooch delay it for an hour ?" " alright ill see what i can do .. and you mattheo you aren't playing! Thats final! You know the rules you broke it"- flint assured the girl .

" this is the final match of the season between house of slytherin and gryffindor! I should announce that 2 of the main slytherin team players were replaced by an stand -by , now let the game begin "- announced hooch " wheres theo and luna? Thomas your twins aren't on the field " " merlin that doesn't look good —" " let me tell you instead thomas your son mattheo pushed his sister off her broom because of a fight happening during the practice he got suspended from playing this game and he have detention .. as for luna she is with poppy at the hospital wing " " severus when the games is over Lucius and i have something to discuss with you and its so important " " when you say it like that it means something big happened "- replied snape " i will go check on luna , thomas you stay cheer for your eldest or else he might feel left out " " ok .. thank you Lu".

Luna .r pov
I can't believe theo did this to me just because we were fighting but I understand that he didn't mean to , when gets angry he doesn't realize what he's doing whats worse that sometimes he covers it up with lies ... I noticed uncle lucius entering and headed to where i was laying down " hello dear , are you better now?" - he asked me " yes uncle Lu" " your father is here but i told him to stay to cheer for tom so he wont feel that he's leaving him out " " I understand... have you seen draco? Hes at the library " " yes i saw both him and Adrian .. anyways ill take my leave now " " ok uncle bye " " bye dear " .

End of luna pov>>

After the match ended with slytherin winning the three men headed to snapes office to discuss the important news " sev what we are about to tell you is so big... I advice you to take a seat" - thomas told his friend " whats with you two ? You keep glancing at each other " " severus we found out that ava—" " shes dead ! 12 years ago why would you—-" " she isn't dead sev... your daughter is alive and that ex of yours tricked you the most "- malfoy said " what are you implying...?" " Severus she was left in a muggle orphanage .. you might ask how i even found it right? I was sorting files last week and noticed an old certificate... it wasnt a death one instead it was a adoption paper under evelyn name and guess what ... the baby back then wasn't your daughter that died it was a orphan little girl that your ex adopted just few days before ava supposedly birth and passing " " c..continue .."-stuttered severus   " so .. i told luciucs to help me check if its really her we had to watch your ex go in and out from the muggle orphanage also turns out yours daughter knows her real name but she thinks that you died and that lady is just a family caretaker "  " where is she thomas ! "  " she's actually at my house sev ... with narcissa taking care of her ... we explained everything to that poor girl and she said as long as she get to see you agin she won't mind"  " o..oh dear "- Severus was about to trip out of shock but the two helped him   " thank you for what you done ... i am so lucky to have you guys as my best friends "  " ow severus we did what we can , also you were looking after our kids and still do so its just a small thing as a repay"  " dad!— oh hello uncles , you have to come right now! They are throwing spells at eachother!"- albert said to the three adults  " who ?"  " tom and theo !"  " for merlin sake not these two together!"- yelled thomas in frustration as he knows how his two sons are hard headed when they fight .

" theo stop i dont want to hurt you!"  " oh really?  EXPELLIARMUS!"  " STU—-" -tom gets caught off by his dad braking the fight  " to  prof minerva office ... NOW!!!"- yelled thomas at the two  " but dad!" - complained mattheo  " i said NOW ! OR ILL DRAG YOU MYSELF!"  // " i will give some privacy so you three talk it out mr.riddle "  " thank you minerva "- replies Thomas as the women to her leave    " now care to explain what the hell was that ! "  " dad in defense—"  " shut up mattheo! Im done with you and your nasty temper!"   " i an sorry father "- theo said looking down   "Now , tom  spill out what happened or i wont let any of you play quidditch anymore "  " fine , i got mad at him because he was calling me names and telling me that i never did anything for him... that's not fair to me father you know how hard i try helping both him and luna when you arent there"  " i am so sorry tommy... I didn't mean to i was so mad that you took care of luna when she fell without asking me if i did it on purpose! Everyone thinks it isn't an accident but believe me i lost control of my broom!"  " wait .. what did you just say theo?"  " a force or something was pulling my broom ".

Want to know what happened next? Find out in chapter 12

— end of chapter 11–

The riddle family जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें