Malfoy issues

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"Adrian stop annoying your brother hes older than you , and you draco  come to my room i need to talk to you about something.. it's important "  " yes father..." draco followed his father  as Lucius didn't wanted narcissa and Adrian involved  " draco ... i have to leave agin but i lied .. it wasn't for  work, its because how do i explain this.. well l had to visit the greengrass in paris "   " why.. is there—-"    " im forced to make you marry their daughter "  " father You know i only love Mooney! You know  that we are engaged already so why? If this about our money and the house then no sorry .. you promised youll find a way for as to remain the same "- argued draco    " i know im sorry draco you no i have no control over the whole family inheritance or even the manor "   " its abarax doing right...!?"  " yes .. "    .

Time skip >>

"  so what Will uncle do now? Is he gonna really force you ?" - asked luna   " no ... he doesn't want to force me because he knows how much we love eachother mooney , but i think everything's gonna be solved soon i do trust him .... Hope it does "   " wait isnt that green grass younger girl is already dating? I don't really remember her name though she wasn't in our year"  " of course because she was one of beatrix minios , anyways i dont see mattheo is he still sad?"   " no hes at alberts  , you know how babies are his weakness so he asked Albert and ella if he could babysit their daughter  "   " aww thats so cute im glad he's alright healing "   " look whos here the two love birds "- teased tom  " hello tom"- said draco  " hey dragon , i see you and mrs malfoy ann riddle are  having a  relaxing time "   " tommmm please "- luna said with her getting all shy because of what tom said    " what its true soon you'll be a malfoy "  " hes not wrong you know"- teased draco his fiancé   " i hate you two"  " aww  we love you too"- answered draco and tom  both at the same time.

" oi theo its getting late aren't you going home?"- asked Albert " nope i will sleep over if you don't mind " " why is everything ok litte one?" " al i am literally 21 so im not a little anymore.. and yes im ok " " come on you can tell me " " no really im alright albert "- smiled mattheo " oh... wait its uncles death anniversary in two days.... Im so sorry mattheo" " its ok just feels like it was yesterday .. and i miss him and mom so much " " sorry I brought it up... "- Albert replied feeling so guilty " no I insist its ok im alright "  " as you say then"- smiled albert at the boy.

" i assume that you know miss riddle that you have to be fully prepared for this job"   " i know I'm fully aware i really do"  " then please sign here and full out this form for me dear"  " ok.."   after few minutes luna was fully done and was told that she got the job officially so she went back home to tell her two brothers the amazing news   " theo tommy! I got the job!"  " good to hear that twinny"- smiled mattheo hugged her  " took them long enough ! Thought they would ask for a fight "- joking tom sipping his butterbeer  "pansy was here to drop off your dress  i thanked her in your place "  " thank you tom"   " you welcome  my little cutie sister "  " hey! What about me?"- pouted mattheo  " fine jelly little theo"  " im not jealous thats not fair " " oh believe me i know better than you do mattheo"- smirked tom .

The malfoy brothers went to watch a quidditch match as it was an invite by a minister for Lucius since he couldn't go he let his two sons enjoy it instead  " if only luna was free today ... "- muttered draco in a sad tone  " arent you happy for her? That she got a job?"- asked Adrian   " i am happy but.. lately shes so busy and i feel lonely without her"  " hey cheer up remember it's only a newly employed thing it wont be always like this"  " mmh... how is your ava doing "- said draco " uhh good... why?"  " don't act stupid addie!"  " fine..i will confess.. i did accidentally told her that I wasn't really in love with her but believe me it wasn't what i mean dragon please!!"  " I believe you.. but you should stay away from albert or else I can't save u"  "i know"  " good then .. oh it's starting"   " i bet 10 gall that the Irish will win"  " ha good luck with that".

Another time skip>>

" theo come on mate wake up its 11 am dont you want to help  luna pick her wedding dress ? You did tell her you want to"  - called out albert   " hu..h? W..wait 11! Merlin you should've woken me up earlier albert!" - complained mattheo  "  get up theo instead of complaining"- said tom walking to the living room  " ok ok! you two with your annoying ways!"- mumbles mattheo going to his bathroom   " i heard that theo"- smirked albert from the outside  " yeah whatever al!"  // the three siblings arrived at the wedding dresses shop that's located after diagon alley  " mmh no not that one"- said luna  " pansy is here you girls have your time me and your so called twin will be waiting outside  here  "- said tom  " ok.. please if u saw draco coming in the store tell him to not be worried .. also tom can you do me a favor ?"- asked luna  " sure..whats on your mind dear?"   " can you help draco to relax and not be tensed.. because of it he was doubting if it'll go smoothly or something bad will happen "   " don't worry sis leave it to me "- smiled tom  " thank you tommy i really appreciate that"  " you welcome dear".

Dracos pov:
I feel really bad for not showing up... i just got so much anxious , luna must've hated me now .. Merlin i feel so guilty I couldn't even face tom he was really disappointed  even my parents were upset about it .... I should've went ! She trusted me and I promised her. Merlin why thats so hard ? Why would i even feel worried when everyone i love is supported us , suddenly i heard a knock on the door  " come in!"  Turns out it was my mom  " draco dear.. why didn't you tell us ? " she asked me  " im really sorry mother i got so overwhelmed that i locked myself in the whole day.. i don't know how i will ask luna to forgive me "   "She will understand if you told her.. she loves you so much draco dear and you know that "  " ok... i really think i should go see her and apologize.. don't count me for dinner!" I replied hurrying to the fire place taking some of the flue powder  " riddle manor !" I called out . ..
End of dracos pov

" why didnt you tell me dray... "  " love im really sorry forgive me please? I promise ill make it up to you "  " draco if you were so worried and so on why you didn't infrom us you know we are family and friends at the same time.. but since you explained and apologized I forgive you for ditching on us"- said mattheo  " thanks theo... I promise I'll tell you guys when i feel like that since the wedding nearby "  " im glad you told us ... because i was going to hex you mister malfoy "- teased tom  .

To be continued

—- end of chapter 28—-

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