Double trouble

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It was 2 weeks after the classes started at hogwarts , the riddle twins has started to become more and more of a trouble makers  even tom himself couldn't get them to stop , as mattheo alone was hard to stop now with luna joining him its ...gonna be more of a challenge

Tom was in room reading when Albert came in  " you wouldn't believe what your siblings did "- laughed albert  " ugh what did they do this time "- tom asked   " they made that granger girl  hair turn green it was hilarious potter and weasley  started chasing them"  " bet they didn't catch them"  " of course they didn't.. anyways  whats with you and uncle Thomas? , father told me that you aren't even owling him unlike the other two"   " well... sorry but i am not ready to tell you yet Al"   " its ok I understand.. but promise you will when your ready ?"  " I promise , come on sit down albert lets play chess "   " game on then!".

"  father what are you gonna do after i leave hogwarts.?. remmber that's my last year"  " i know albert , what do you mean what i will do ? Of course i won't resign im not old yet" - Severus replied   "Well you will still have ava here"   " your hiding something arent you.."  " hehe .. father listen its kind of a funny story i lost the charm locket you gave me 6 years ago "  " your better find it albert because it's connected with your sister locket too .. to explain more it alerts me if one of you is hurt"   " i understand father .. besides i think I know where it might've fell "  " it's getting late ..go before that—-"  " im sleeping here tonight " .

"  can anyone tell me whats a boggart?"- lupin asked the 4th years class  , luna raised her hand  " yes ms riddle?"  "   A shape shifter that shapes into people's fears "    " good job ms riddle 10 points to slytherin .. yes ms granger?"  " sorry sir but she didn't give an full an—-" - hermoine stopped when she saw mattheo death glaring at her   " continue please ms granger .."   " unh sorry professor its nothing " - when she said that luna and mattheo smirked " I know you scared her off theo thank you, because i was about ti hex her "- luna said to mattheo   " no problem my twinny , i am here if she tried something funny agin "  " she wouldn't dare " .  After a while the dada class finally ended  and the slytherin gang gathered at their usual spot.

" umm your still not talking do dad ?"  " shut it theo"   " because he wrote that he sent you letters but not rep——"   " SHUT iT! I  burned those letters ok?! And you better not tell him or else i swear mattheo that I won't save your  bloody self  anymore!"- hissed tom in parsel tongue   " uhh can you translate with these two are saying luna "   " they are arguing about why tom hasn't been replying to my father's letters "- whispered luna to her best friend  " that explains it"   " tom where are you going?.. hey! Wait for me "- called out Albert .

" so whats your plan mattheo how are we gonna sneak out when that old werido is walking around !"  " listen you two , first we have to know where he is exactly then go from the other side before he even notices "  " theo  of we get caught its all your fault "- draco said to mattheo  " ok its on me because its my plan anyways"   -replied mattheo taking his wand from the table  .

After draco, mattheo and luna successfully sneaked out  they sat   somewhere near the black lake  where its not visible to anyone  "chocolate frog  mooney?" - draco asked  " sure why not"- replied luna  " guys.. we have to go now!"- said mattheo in pulling the two along with him ans started to run as fast as they could  " uncle Severus saw us we are in deep trouble "   " uh oh"- luna said as she realized that her uncle is right behind them  " you three are going to have detention for sneaking out after hours ! Now if you dont mind go back to your dorms before I change my mind about not telling your fathers "- Severus told the three  .

Time skip>>

" its  so boring come on tom stop reading that nonsense of a book"   " albert stay quiet or go somewhere else im busy right now"   " you no fun..! Im going to find Marcus maybe he has some good plans to do " - teased albert   " yeah yeah whatever go"   " bookworm riddle"  " i heard that! Go or ill hex you"   " merlin your so  bloody bad tempered sometimes " - albert said leaving the boy to read his book // "  albert wait! " -called out ava  " yes sis?"   " can you help me with the charms assignment? "  " ok sure .. but you will give me some of your candy deal?"  "Deal!" .

Thomas pov:

Me and Lucius had a free time so we had some butterbeers then headed to the malfoy manor " hello thomas  " - bellatrix greeted  " hello bella uhh wow you look ..—"  " yeah I changed my hair style , is it bad ?"  " no no its looks good bella believe me"  " ive been trying to tell her that but her begin so hard minded didn't help"- said narcissa    " wait a second.. you two had fire whisky didnt you?!"   " no we had butter beers " - Lucius replied to her " they aren't lying cissy"  " i know bella i was just annoying these two "  - cissy  said looking at both me and Lu.
<<end of tbomas pov>>

" guys adrian is back!"- mattheo said as he saw adrian walking inside the great hall with Cedric holding his hand  " addie!"- draco said hugging his little brother " you scared me ! I thought you would be—- ".      " draco? Draco ! Wake up! " - mattheo called out  " h..huh? Where  is adrian ..."- stuttered draco   " what are you talking about of course he's still in st.mungos "  " o..oh right i was dreaming agin" - draco sighed in sadness  " cheer up dragon im sure he's coming back soon  "  " i hope so theo bad"   "  what time is it anyway?"- Blaise asked out of nowhere   " its 6:39 blasie we have to go to eat breakfast soon "   " i know mattheo".

" when this bloody annoying class will end pans it's getting me so sleepy you know"  " same feeling here, luna "  " pssst pans!"- whispered beatrix  " what trix..?"- whispered back pansy  " how did you two managed to get the correct—-"  " just read the instructions dummy"  " hey! I am not a dumb person ok! Blame it on that. Goyle "  " Merlin always blaming me ! Work on it by yourself then!!!" - hissed goyle .

—end of chapter 16—

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