14. The rain in my head

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Taehyung's pov

After the conversation I had with Mr jeon I was really pissed

I didn't feel like going back home because I feel like I'll go crazy if I stay there for one more day so I went stright to kim Corp. I got in, made a cup of coffee, sat down and drowned in work it's stressful by it gives me strength to face all the bullshit in life.

6:00 at kim Corp.

Finishing up work I decided to call kook he probably got scolded by his parents.

I planed to call kook and tell him to meet me outside to go the forest but this time I won't do anything to him, I feel like cuddling him to sleep.

I called him with a smile on my face but it soon turned into a frown when he didn't pick the call up,

I tried again:

The number you are calling is.....beep beep beep

Tried again:

The number you are....beep beep beep

I tried about 32 times but no response "what happed to you" I asked my self staring at the phone screen seeing the frown on my face reflecting from the phone screen

7:00 at kims mansion

I came back to the mansion feeling immediate suffocation after entering, the expensive furniture, expensive bright lights, the red royal carpeted stairs, that leads to the second floor where there were more expensive stuff

wrapping the towel around my waist I took the phone to see if there were any missed calls but none "is he still crying" I asked myself with an smile on my face but if he keeps on crying then he might get sick

8:44 at kims

Entering the dinning hall after the maid came to inform me that dinner was ready they said they prepared it early knowing that I finished my job and got home more quicker that expected

Before I could even take my utensils in my hand I got a call I took it almost immediately seeing that called id the love of my life

"Hello bun are you okay, are you still crying, don't cry it will b...."let's break up" beep beep beep.

Taehyung's phone fell out of his hands did the yonger really say 'break up' what right does he have to say that. The ceo got up to his feet and walked outside to where his motorcycle is and went off to his destination.

kooks pov

I cut the call as soon as I said what I had to, I couldn't stop crying I didn't want to cry but the tears keep forming in my eyes I love my parent's but kim taehyung is my love

I pinched the spot in between my eyes to stop the tears and it did, the light from the hallway enters the dark room when someone got in "kook your mother made dinner come" kook shook his head "appa I'm not really feeling hungry and im sleepy" kook managed to say without breaking his voice "ok well you should sleep love you" kook smiled

Love you too dad

11:00 third person pov

Laying on his bed he let out a sigh, he felt peaceful even though he just broke up with his boyfriend.

His parents were downstairs throwing a tantrum at the tv screaming that the player was doing foul play, maby they were watching soccer. He liked the feeling of his cozy bed, and how the room was smelling like, when he was about to close his eyes he heard something by his window he thought it was raining and was about to go back to sleep when there were a couple more, he got up and went a little close to the window, enough to see someone holding rocks and throwing them on his window. The younger liked the attention of the older, he smiled and went back to bed.

He threw the rocks again and again but jeon jungkook never came.....well he did he just didn't open the balcony door, having enough of this he decided to take matters into his own hands, he decided to climb up to the youngers window.

Proud of his own brain he took a lader from the shed and placed it to jungkooks window "im the ceo of Kim corporations for God sake, if anyone sees me, the next thing on the news will be 'Mr Kim the famous ceo climbing his lovers room at night what they did no one knows" sighing to himself when he reached the top he tried to get the youngers attention the quietest way possible


So right now banging on the window multiple times he continously called out his lovers name, jungkook got our is bed and came to the balcony "what in the romeo and juliet are you doing Mr. Kim taehyung" taehyung smiled hearing his name from his love "my love, would you let your romeo in" jungkook rolled his eyes and went back to his bed, facing his back to taehyung smiling a little when he saw how taehyung tried to gain his attention "baby your romeo is going to catch a cold if you don't come save him" tae said in a royal tone, no response "fine if you don't let me in now I guess I'll come through the front door" hearing this jungkooks eyes widened as he got up, he saw tae smirking " no taehyung leave are you nuts!!!" kook whispered quietly "then open the damn door babe" jungkook rolled his eyes and opend the window and taehyung came in "what do you want" jungkook asked him like he wasn't crying about 2 minutes ago "you" taehyung picked kook and threw him on the bed kissing him like there is no Tomorrow, although jungkook did struggle he didn't mind taehyung kissing him he didn't want his parents to come in and plus the lack of oxygen so he pulled out first.

"Leave taehyung" jungkook said coldly, tae whined and hugged jungkook tight "but I don't wanna goooo" taehyung pouted, jungkook wanted to kiss him sooo bad but had to restrain himself

They both looked into each other's eyes "kookie you don't know how bad I need you" jungkook pushed taehyng away and turned around so taehyung won't see his face "Please leave taehyng" taehyung came closer to jungkook and pulled down the sleeve of the shirt from the sholder, he gave kisses to the milky white skin "just don't say a word and stay still with me" he back hugged jungkook tightly, when taehyung coverd one side of the youngers milky white skin with red marks, he snuggled in to the crook of his lovers neck smelling him, he loved the smell that his sweet one produced, leaving one last kiss he backed away still looking at the younger who didn't look back once, he went to the balcony and climbed down

To say jungkook shiverd when he felt tae kissing him, it wasn't something soo intimate but he felt the love the older has for him. Few hours passed and jungkook still couldn't sleep maby it was taehyung taking up his mind but he couldn't have him, he looked out the window to see that it's raining. He smiled. He loved the rain it's some type of craze for him, the younger got up and walked towards the balcony to see tae in the dark alone letting the rain hit him he looked so relaxed. The younger called the older, which he picked up in a few seconds "what are you doing in the rain and why havent you left yet?" Taehyung smiled a little "baby didn't you sleep?" Jungkook rolled his eyes "haven't I told you to not call me, we broke up" jungkook sighed "just come in before you catch a cold" the yonger saw how the olders face brightend up when he said that, and sure enough he saw taehyung climbing to his balcony and into the room taehyung smiled and hugged the yonger "admit that you still love me, what happed why did you say you want to break up" taehyung asked and cupped his face, jungkook hugged the older tightly which did surprise tae a bit but he hugged back with love, they stayed like that for a couple of minutes before they heard a knock on the door

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