46. Thee kings high

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Jungkook woke up when he felt something shuffling in between his legs, he looked over at the clock and read the time: 4:00 am

He winced when he looked down. He realized he couldn't feel his lower body. He saw something crawling up his legs, he wanted to cry realizing that the older was going to take him again. He didn't want this, not now

"T-tae please, it's 4 in the morning, please don't do anything to me" he begged letting a few tears run down his face. Taehyung shushed him and continued his work. Jungkook wanted to move away but he couldn't use his legs.

"Tae i need to go to university tomorrow, please" taehyung again made him shut up and did his thing.
Jungkook pushed taehyung away harshly moving his his own body in the motion causing him pain, he let out a scream and arched his back, he weeped quietly while tears fell down.

He looked back at taehyung, he saw the older glaring at him with dark eyes. The younger immediately tried moving back but couldn't stop he tried to explain his actions

"I-i don't want to do it. Please respect my feelings for once!" Jungkook cried out feeling frustrated that his husband, his own husband that's supposed to be with him through thick and thin, the husband that should respect his wish is doing things without his consent.

Taehyung again got in between jungkooks legs pinning the youngers legs down while thrusting his dick in raw. The younger cried at the painful feeling and he begged the older to take it out, but his husband just went rougher on him.


Taehyung laid down on the bed breathing heavily after pleasing himself with the youngers body. He looked beside him to see jungkook had fainted. He smiled and pecked the youngers forehead. He got up, and took a towel cleaning the younger. He opend the medicine cabinet and took out a pain relief cream and applied it on the youngers butt and thighs, massaging it afterwards. Taehyung stared at the younger's plump ass as he was massaging his thighs.

Jungkook squirmed in his sleep when taehyung messaged a specific spot so he figured that it hurt him there so he continued adding special care there.

Taehyung laid down along with Jungkook snuggling in close to him pressing their naked bodies together, he did this as if this whole thing was consensual. He didn't mind the fact that jungkook was crying or begging, screaming for Taehyung to stop, but in his eyes he did good, taehyung smiled closing his eyes and sleeping.


"Good morning darling" taehyung handed a cup of coffee to the younger with a smile, which was the first thing jungkook saw when he opened his eyes. He forwarded his hands to take the coffee and he sat up on the bed, as he took the first sip the realization hit him, he couldn't believe it, he moved his legs and kicked the blanket away. He looked at taehyung to see him smirking

"T-tae? W-why doesn't it hurt?" Jungkook asked astonished. Taehyung smiled putting his suit on "its all your hubbys magic darling" the older said playfully. Jungkook got up and back hugged the older "go get ready quickly darling, you'll be late."

Jungkook nodded and went to the bathroom to get ready quickly.


As they sit in the car taehyung drove him to his college. A few minutes passed and jungkook looked confused "tae, this isnt the way to sky!" (The university jungkook wanted to go to)

"Who said your going to sky" taehyung laughed out. "B-but i thought....then where am i studying?"

"I already got an admission for you in Thee kings High!"

Jungkook eyes widened "b-but w-we I-I that's such an expensive place w-we....."
After they got out of the forest he looked around, a place with luxurious mansions and villas with high valued people and expensive cars.

"Tae? Where are we?" Jungkook placed his hand on his head as he looked to his husband who had a smirk on his face. He placed a hand on jungkooks thigh

Jungkook breathed heavily, he didn't know why, he felt like he was surrounded by lies, he felt overwhelmed.


Jungkook got in the university and immediately got lost, the walls of the place had paintings with expensive architecture.

"i know you always wanted to pursue your dream of being an artist so welcome my darling" Taehyung whisped in jungkooks ear who was still stunned at the interior works of the place, he suddenly felt insecur, he felt like he didn't fit in, but that all disappeared when the students and employees bowed to his husband.

"Your hubbys a star!" Taehyung chuckled and walked away looking like a king leaving jungkook by himself with hundreds of heads bowing down. Jungkook sighed when taehyung left and the people resumed their life like nothing happend.

He went to his locker with the help of a map in the uni. As he got to his locker, he realized he didn't know how to open it, he looked around and saw all the girls and boys in high fashioned clothes and luxurious jewelry, he again felt insecur, he tried opening the lock again and again but got frustrated in the end, he kicked the locker but he ended up kicking someone who walked by, his eyes widened and he apologized quickly running towards the boy who was on his knees.

Jungkook realized he had seen this face before both of their eyes widened as they saw eachother

"Arent you the guy i saw in the icecream shop?" Jungkook asked (chapter 29)

"y-yeah" he got up and smiled "H-hi I'm yugyeom!" Jungkook smiled and introduced himself


Guys I'm sick 😫🤒
I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't make sense. I'll try to update soon

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