43. wedding shopping

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Both the elderly couple came along with Jungkook to pick a wedding dress, taehyung didn't come because they weren't allowed to meet until their marriage.

"Hello muffin, aren't you a cutie!" An overweight woman in her 40s, with blonde tried hair walked up to Jungkook with a smile on her face. Jungkook shook his hand with her

"H-hi I'm Jeon Jungkook" he smiled "Soon to be known as Mrs.Kim, am I right" The woman laughed putting a polite hand over her mouth "I'm Mia, nice to meet you muffin!"

Jungkook nodded but when she said that he was soon going to be known as Mrs. Kim just didn't sit right with him, he didn't want people to know him as just Mrs. Kim, he didn't want to be known by his husband's name, he wanted people to know him by his real name jeon jungkook, so for people to know him by his name he himself is gonna have to get himself popular, not by his husband.

Mia led Jungkook to a beautiful room filled with a variety of collections both finished and unfinished, and then she led me to a different room "Welcome to the play area!" She chuckled excitedly and opened the room.

Mia led Jungkook to a beautiful room filled with a variety of collections both finished and unfinished, and then she led me to a different room "Welcome to the play area!" She chuckled excitedly and opened the room

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Jungkook gasped at the absolute masterpiece in front of him "Wow! I-i"
"Yes I know magnificent isn't it" Mia chuckled admiring own work "I-is this m-my..."

"Wedding dress, yes of course, it is exactly your size, your taehyung made me make a mannequin just like you, and by the sound of it, you two have been intimate quite a lot"

Mia winked and jungkook blushed "N-no, w-we, i-i..." "No need to get embarrassed darling, your taehyung practically worships you" She again chuckled. Jungkook kept on looking at the pure work of art,

"Your taehyung is so thoughtful when it comes to you" Mia again says helping taehyung manipulate him a bit more.


"Okay good, you already got the money right Mia?.... okay great"

Taehyung hanged up the call, he looked at the small photo of baby jugkook in his hand and smirked to himself "just wait a bit more my darling, we will finally be together where no one can disturb us" he suddenly got the flashback from yesterday night and he got horny again, he can't go to jungkook because they weren't allowed to see eachother

"Just wait you little rabbit, ill fill you up top to bottom with my cum"

Taehyung grunted before opening his pant zib, he slowly stroked his member looking at jungkooks childhood photos.

I'm so sorry for this short chapter, I know it's boring but I was just soooooooo egar to upload this.

Mia is a very important character in this story and I just wanted to introduce her to you

My psychopath husband حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن