50. Room

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Jungkook woke up, feeling a sticky substance between his legs. He frowned as his eyebrow squinted as he tried to sit up but he couldn't, his bottom hurt and so did his hole. After a long struggle, he stood up, whimpering in disgust as he felt both his and his husband's cum sliding down his leg.

He limped, trying to get to the bathroom, but had to stop halfway as he felt his mind going fuzzy again. He stood there in the middle of the room with the help of a table, with one hand on his hip and the other hand as support to stand up, holding on to the table for help.

He made his way to the bathroom, using the wall for support. As he looked in the mirror, he saw a mess-his clothes were ruined, and he could still see the evidence of his humiliation on his skin. He couldn't believe this was happening to him.

As he looked at his bruised and battered body in the mirror, he felt a wave of disgust wash over him. His once-perfect physique was now marred by his husband's brutal actions. He couldn't bear to look at himself any longer and quickly turned away, tears streaming down his face. He knew he needed to confront his husband about what happened, but the thought of doing so filled him with dread.

He sighed, taking his clothes off. He turned the tap on the put his hand in the water to test the temperature but winced because the warm water came in contact with his bruised hand. As Jungkook tried to gather his courage, he realized he couldn't take a shower without it burning his skin due to the bruises and their intimate fluids from last night. The thought alone was enough to make him cringe in pain. Jungkook sighed wondering if he should call his husband because Taehyung takes care of his body really well after a rough night especially in the shower, but what happend this time....?

Trembling, Jungkook made his way back to the living room, fearing what he would find there. As he stepped through the doorway, he couldn't believe his eyes-his husband was sitting there calmly watching television, completely oblivious to what had transpired. Jungkook thought Taehyung might be angry, though he didn't know why but he doesn't want to take any chances.

Feeling defeated and helpless, Jungkook slowly approached his husband, trying not to make any sudden movements that might provoke him. He cleared his throat softly before speaking up, "Hyung... can we talk?" His voice trembled slightly as he awaited a response.

His husband didn't even look up from the television screen, simply muttering, "Not now, I'm watching my show." Jungkook felt his heart shatter into a million pieces at the dismissive tone. He took a deep breath and tried again, "I need your help," he whispered, trying to catch his husband's attention. "I can't take a shower without it burning me." Taheyung finally looked up at him, surprise flashing across his features before they hardened once more.

"What do you want me to do about it?" he snapped, clearly irritated by the interruption. "You should have thought about that before we got so messy last night." Jungkook flinched at the harsh words, feeling tears welling up in his eyes once more.

"I-I don't know," he stammered, feeling tears spill down his cheeks now. "I just... I need your help." Taheyung sighed heavily before standing up from the couch and stalking over to where Jungkook stood. Taheyung carefully draped the towel around Jungkook's injured body, being gentle but firm as he patted down every inch. He could see the bruises and abrasions clearly now, and it hurt him to see his husband in such pain.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I shouldn't have been so rough." Taehyung said kissing his husband's sholder. Jungkook looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, feeling a mix of relief and vulnerability wash over him. "It's okay," he managed to say, reaching out to gently touch Taheyung's cheek. Taehyung smiled leaning into his touch "I love you, petal," he murmured, his voice full of tenderness. "Let's take it slow tonight, okay?" Jungkook tilted his head confused "tonight?.... are we doing it again tonight?"

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