17. shopping

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Jeons house 12:00

"Should I call hyungie" jungkookg asked himself with a smile on his face "no he's probably busy" jungkook frowned at his own thought "but he's my boyfriend why should he care about busy he should care about jungkookie" He decided to do neither and go shopping as it's his first day in college in 1 more week

"Jiminshii" although jungkook startled him he still replied "yes kook" jimin who was sitting on bed reading his book "jiminie you know that college opens in 1 more week so we have to shop" jimin stops reading and puts his book mark in between the pages of where he last read and looked at jungkook "do you really need to go" jimin asked not wanting to get out of bed "yes" jungkook said without hesitation

"I'll go get ready" jungkook said with his bunny smile and went out hopping like a bunny "this kid is going to get himself in trouble" jimin says as he also gets out of bed to get ready

Downstairs in jeons house

"NO appa you don't put salt in...no that doesn't go there!!" jin said trying to help his dad to make some food "you told me to put oil in the pan!!" Mr jeon said getting a little frustrated "I said olive oil not sunflower oil!!" Mr jeon dropped his oil "there are more than one type of oil....oh my God let me breathe" "appa your too over dramatic" "your mom always tells me that"

As they were arguing they noticed two people coming down the stairs "were are you going" Mr jeon asked "appa we need more glitter pens" jungkook said sitting on the stairs and putting his shoe on "we're going back to school shopping" jimin said also coming down the stairs with keys dangling from his hands "when you come back get sugar, coffee powder, ice cream and food because appa burnt all of it" jin said looking ar Mr jeon like he was a dart board and jin were the darts

Jungkook rolled his eyes "what did he burn this time" he walked to the kitchen "eggs.....how do you mess up eggs and why is there oil poured onthe floor" jungkook asked confused

Jimin watching this from far "I miss eomma"

"SAME" both jungkook and jin replied at the same time. Mt jeon looked like he was betrayed "my cooking is 100% fabulous" he said flipping his imaginary long hair "come I'll be late" jimin stood up taking the keys spining it around his fingers

Time skip to the mall

After they went supplies shopping their cart was filled with pans,pensions, bags, rulers, books, binders, files etc

People were looking at them like they were crazy but did they care.....NOPE
"I'm hungry" jungkook whined while jimin looked for a food court to eat, after they found one they payed for the items, and they went stright to fill their stomach

"What do you want" jimin asked standing up "I want A hot dog and fries with a banana milkshake" jungkook smiled and looked at jimin taking his credit card from his purse

When jimin went to order their were about 30 people in front of him so jungkook decided to text taehyung but when he reached to his pocket he realised that he forgot his phone

Kims house

"PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE" taehyung screamed while holding at his phone, he had enough he took his bike and was about to go to his in laws house when someone turned the key and turned it off stopping the vehicle "WHAT" he looked at the man

"Hobi hyung".....


Hey....so I know you are mad at me but hear me out 20 times buy I deleted them all because I wasn't satisfied with it and I promise to update more regularly this is my 50th promise to you all

Anyway purple you 💜

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