18. FOOOOOD!!!

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"Hobi hyung"

Hobi stood their hands crossed with his heart shaped smile "where are you going don't you have work to do in the company" hobi asked "I have to see kook" taehyung said "tae what are you going to do their" taehyng looked at hobi "i just want to see kook" hobi sighed "and what if he isn't home" hobi reasonably asked "n..no he wouldn't go without telling me" hobi fixed his glasses "well he's at the mall shopping" hobi showed him photos of jungkook and another man with him too close

Fire rushed through his veins seeing his property with someone else "which mall" hobi felt reluctant to tell him, taehyung felt it

"hyung he's my boyfriend I have my rights on him" taehyung said clenching his fists "yes but I don't see why he should tell you everything he does it's not like your his husband" taehyung smirked "not yet" hobi rolled his eyes "and if he doesn't want to marry you" taehyung eyes went dark "I was planning on kidnapping him anyway im only doing this boyfriend thing to earn his trust or he would be tied to my bed by now.....just tell me the name of the mall"

Hobi rolled his eyes "Costco but don't..."
Taehyung didn't wait to hear his words he turned his bike on and left" hobi went inside hearing another glass break "i swear this min yoongi is driving me nuts"

He went inside to see yoongi all drunk trying to walk balancing himself on a table "what in the world is wrong with you" hobi asked trying to make him stand "i..I'm go..going hic to me...meet my jimin" hobi rolled his eyes "first learn to walk properly"

Costco food court

Jungkook sighed sitting on the bench he was hungry as well as bored and if he gets hungry he gets mad so he sat their being both hungry and mad.

He cursed himself for forgetting his phone, he got up and went to jimin in between the line and said that he was going to the washroom, as he was on his way he was pulled to a corner where no one came "taehyung!!" Jungkook asked surprised

Taehyung pressed him against the wall kissing him pouring out all his anger and frustration out on him, jungkook tried to push him away but taehyung pinned his hands against the wall with one of his hand, kissing him more, holding the youngers waist with the other

After chewing the others lips aggressively and biting his lips he entered his tongue, jungkook tried to get away from the olders grip but all his engery went to vein

Finally pulling out from the kiss, taehyung connected both of their foreheads, he could hear the younger trying to catch his breath "h...hyung" taehyung hugged the other tightly in his warm embrace "why did you go without telling me" jungkook whimpered at the cold voice of the ceo he didn't like it, the youngers eyes filled with tears at how aggressively his man kissed him "hyung y....you kissed me like an object.....it hurt" the younger said expressing his genuine feelings, he didn't like the fact that the ceo did that, sure it wasn't somthing that big of a deal since they were boyfriends but the way the older pushed him to a corner made him a little overwhelmed

"Sorry bueatiful I got frustrated" taehyung tried to calm the other which eventually did work "I wanted to call you b...but I thought you were busy so I didn't want to disturb y..you, and since school is starting I went to shop but I forgot my phone I wanted to message you but there were oil problems at home" the older kissed the younger, smiling at how truthfully he replied

"wait oil problems" the younger chuckled "my eomma went to visit her sister who is pregnant....again" taehyung smiled "and how many children does your aunt have" taehyung questioned smirking "she has 9 kids including the one in her tummy"

"Well we should beat her record and have at least 11 kids" taehyung smirked while jungkook blushed hitting taehyungs chest playfully "are you nuts were not having 11 kids"

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