34)Mini Tom?

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Z's Pov:

After 2 weeks from the breakup...I think it's time to tell the world now,i cried even more when I saw edits about tom and i.  This fucking burns...burns and hurts in every way.  Sitting on my bed wiping my dried tears, I stood up and did not bother to stretch.

The sun was hurting my eyes, I walked and closed the blinds. I saw myself and God,do I look so fucked up... I looked like rue.

I did not bother to shower these weeks and I smelled so bad, but I didn't care, I stink, but it's not as bad as how my mental state is right now. Fuck, I feel so nauseas again. 


And I immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up... it did not stop ,well I did not. I just threw up and threw up. I took deep breaths as sof and Laura asked me to, the week the stayed. They are coming today, but I think I'll tell them to come early.

I flushed my shit and threw water on my face,wiping my mouth and stared at myself.  I still looked horrible,prolly much worse than rue... I sighed, grabbed my towel and wiped my face. I took my tooth brush and began to brush the annoying stinky breath away.

I wiped my mouth when I was done and left.


No, I am still not gonna clean myself, I will look horrible anyway.


Why am I feeling like this...? It's not him...ok? Fuck him, he is an asshole-

I stop mid-sentence when I notice tears running down my cheeks and wipe them as soon as I went and found sof  helping laura with groceries inside.

"Damn, you still look horrible" Sof said dropping the items in the kitchen and closing the front door. "Well of course she is, what do you expect?" Laura said giving me  a smile as she was unpacking the items and putting it in its place.

I walked in slowly and helped her. "Hey, let me help with that-(laura)

" I threw up ,again" I spoke which caused silence between both sof and laura because I haven't been speaking for two weeks, just crying and shaking my head.

"Girl,you finally spoke" Sof said crossing her hands. I gave her a half fake smile, even tho she picked it up. "Okay now, we have to go to the doctors,you have been nausea three times last week, you were tired so quick, you had mood swing-

My eyes widen when I realized what she was saying. "Woah, woah laura, you actually think im...

"pregnant" Sofia finished my sentence for me.

"yes z" Laura said wiping my drippy tears falling down my cheeks. I slapped her hand away softly and sniffed. 

"Well no,i am not, it's probably because of this shitty breakup and I have been starving myself for some time now" I said looking away.

" Firstly yeah, it is about the breakup, second of all when last did you have your period? Thirdly this i why laura and I are gonna observe you for a while because you can't be trusted, fourthly it's unhealthy for the baby and lastly if you actually think you're not pregnant then you will come to the doctor with us" Sof said with a harsh tone. 

I could tell she was mad, but I know it's because she loves me. Fuck,if I'm pregnant...then...i- No uhm I can't be thinking like that...

"Ok, but do you mind if the doctor uh comes here instead, I really don't want to go out" I said grabbing myself a glass of water.

Sof and Laura looked at each other and then laura spoke , "okay sure, love, just tell us about your period? " she said.

"Uh I haven't seen it for some months now..." I said with a realization that I might be a mother... Laura looked surprised but sof did not.

"Girl, you're pregnant, but I am calling the doctor" Sof said heading to the home telephone by the living room.

"I am going to make you something to eat okay? At least eat for your baby and go take a bath, I will be in here" Laura said and I nodded touching my belly.

my baby... I repeated.

The thought of being a mother made me smile but a thought of raising the child with no father made the smile fade away.

After an hour of bathing ,dressing and eating,laughing a bit with my girls, The doctor finally arrived and sat down.

"Okay so, take this and pee on it, tell us the result" Dr Palmer said, I read her name tag.

I nodded and went and simply peed on the weird pregnancy test. It was smart to call the doctor than doing it alone or with just us girls who have no idea what we are doing.

I slowly removed it and came out from the toilet. The girls and doctor looked so excited and were sitting at the edge of their chairs.

"Well???" Sof said with excitement.

"I'm pregnant...guys" 

Sof and Laura jumped and jumped , while I gave the doctor to confirm and she smiled so hard. "Congratulations!" I smiled so hard and jumped with the girls.

"YOU ARE GONNA BE A MOTHER , Z" Sof and Laura said at the same time. This is the first time I smiled since the breakup...

"While you guys celebrate, I will have to go, and I will phone you in two day, so you can come to the hospital for a checkup,once again congrats" The doctor said ,watching all of us in a group hug . 

I touched my belly, smiling until the doctor said

"Oh and You might want to tell the father of the child too" Dr Palmer said, with a smile and left. The room was silent when she left. I felt a wave of sadness coming, I sat down ,with tears running uncontrollably.  

"No, no, no z, please don't cry" Laura said sitting next to me and placing me in her arms,my head was on her chest crying. "It's fucking hard laura...how the actual fuck am I going to tell tom that I am pregnant with his child, despite everything he has done." I said crying hard.

"Hey shush, we will come with you or call tom here and tell him" Sof said kneeling down and rubbing my hand. "It's not that fucking easy sof, he fucking cheated on me, he cheated on his ex-girlfriend with me and now his ex-girlfriend on me, did you honestly forget that?" I said wiping my tears because I felt a slight pain in my head and stomach.

"But you are going to tell him...right?" Laura said, on her phone scrolling through her Instagram. She gasped. "What?"Sof and I said at the same time. Laura looked sad. "laura what" I said impatiently. "I think you guy should check Tom's story" Laura said, passing me her phone while sof went on hers.


"Hey guys! hope you're good, just needed to find the gut to tell you guys even tho I did not know how to, and I did not even want to in the first place, but I feel like you guys need to know that zendaya and I are not together anymore due to certain circumstances, just asking for space! For both z and I ! It would be much appreciated. We unfortunately,can't remain as friends due to another circumstances but one day hopefully ,we will again."

Love Tom.

"that is a bad time for announcing it" Sof said still reading the paragraph. My heart broke in a million pieces even tho I did the breaking up, it hurt so so so much, oh my god...I never imagined being this hurt. He already announced the breakup...

So the myth was right... never be in a relationship with your best friend because you will lose the relationship and friendship at the end.

I tossed laura' phone back and stood up ,wiping my tears. "what are you-

i interrupted sof's question and turned around, looking at them.

"Laura,about your question earlier on whether I am going to tell him, well, No" I said rubbing my belly and staring at sof and Laura's reaction, they were so surprised.

"WHAT" they both said loud.

You heard me, I am not going to tell tom about this baby ....

I will be both this child's father and mother...

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