8. Exposure

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After nadia and jacobs left I cleaned out the mess and then lay on the bed. I wonder how z is keeping up....and why does it feel like I moved on from the fight? honestly I really miss z and I feel so hurt that we are like this...my best friend is my everything so why is it feeling like she is not my everything anymore or my best friend anymore. UGH! I really can't figure anything right ,I mean tomorrow I have to go for the meeting for the Spider-Man cast ...hopefully I will see her . even if it means just seeing her and not talking to her,i just wanna see if she's okay . I left out a sigh. I really can't tell you that im dating nades again,can I? I mean I will wait until our issue is resolved .

but although im dating nades ,it feels like im still single and lonely for some reason. maby it's because it's weird being with your ex again. I stood up and walk to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. once I was done,my phone couldn't stop ringing with so many notifications . I walk to the bed and open the notifications leading me  to an article. what's going o-oh shit. I thought. no...no...no...no... this can not be happening ! not now that we about to see each other tomorrow. I really don't want this argument to get worse. How the fuck did the press find out about this?

                                        ''Nadia parkes confirms dating actor Tom Holland"

                                      "is  nadia and tom 's dating rumors be the reason why zendaya                         unfollwed tom?"

                                      "zendaya unfollowed tom for dating nadia?"

                                              "Actress parkes confirms Holland dating rumors to be true"

                                          "ITS OFFICIAL! TOM AND NADES TO BE DATING!"

                           "I d-din't want it to come out like this,but yes,tom and I are officially going out again"-said Nadia confirming the rumors.

fuck im screwed! I said dropping my phone from the bed and squeezing my hands together . oh god no,nades ,why did you tell? It was mean't to be private. We both agreed to that! For fuck's sake.  I stood up freaking out and walking on the same position. shit,no z is going to have another reason to not talk to me. ugh! why is life hell rn? I said falling on my bed. I have to speak with nadia ...this is out of hand now...our relationship was supposed to be a secret and not in public eye. if z sees this then hell will break loose,who knows what she is going to do or how to react."oh fuck sake" I said a bit loud. 

KNOCK KNOCK. "IM COMING!" I yelled in frustration. I open the door and see nadia in tears ,wearing her pj's,her hair is all messy and she is barefooted. On her left hand,i see her phone which is broken and all cracked to her. I immediately let her in,close the door and lead her to the sitting room . there are so many questions in my head, but I will get the answers after I comfort her. I brought a blanket to cover her and made for her a mug of marshmallow chocolate coffee. I put her head on my chest and I slowly rubbed her back. what on earth could have happened?

I hold her right hand which was shaking alot and I squeezed it. I kissed her on her head and waited for her to calm down. she can take all the time she needs, I will wait for her . after a while she was calmed,i could still hear in a voice that she was ready to cry again."babe,its okay,okay?," I said watching her slowly sitting straight and wiping her tears. she nodded then took a sip of her coffee." oh wait,let me bring you socks" I said quickly going to my room and took a pair of Christmas socks and slowly put it on her left foot then right foot.

"tom...I swear , I didn't mean to inform everyone about our relationship stats on every social platform...I was forced to if I wanted my mom and i to live peacefully" nadia said wiping her tears again. "what...what do you mean?' I said watching her trying her best not to cry, so I held her hand tightly.

 "well...my mom and I got robbed earlier this evening by a couple of burglars , I don't know how they find out we were dating secretly, but they said I should tell the people on live about our relationship because they knew it would ruin your image and reputation " nadia said sniffing hard until I gave a tissue to blow her nose. "wait but how did this happen " I said pointing out on her phone and pjs. "well I refused a couple of times, so they broke so many items of the house and just as I was about to give up ,my mom who was starting to panic said I shouldn't,until they-nadia started to cry,crying a bit louder even tho I put her in my arms once again,i could still hear her cry loud. i rubbed her back continuously. who tf is doing this? I thought.

 so it wasn't her fault  at all,fuck. who's after my image being destroyed ?it doesn't matter for now tom, nadia and the rest of the story is important. knock knock. "come in" I said a bit loud .I didn't want to leave nadia in the couch alone. so as the door opened ,I was surprised to see the cast come in, jacob,robert,director,laura,jake and sophia joined. I kinda felt disappointed but not surprised that z didn't come .  They came with two police officers named Blake and the other tall dude ,Brian.  Laura and sophia took nadia in the room while the gentleman were sitting down.

 "I believe you heard the story?" director said as he sits beside me . " yeah sort of she didn't really finish, but I think I know most of it" I said  watching robert and jacob arguing in the kitchen for a drink like children. "sorry man" jake said rubbing my back. I bite my lip thinking about the person who attacked nadia. " I want to find them" I said sounding angry. "hey ,we need to take it easy,they are dangerous people, and they could harm you too" brian the tall officer said . I raised my eyebrows,"me too?" I said. "I guess she didn't finish telling you,well basically they harmed mrs parkes,nadia's mom." brian and blake said finishing it off together.  my eyes widen and glared at the floor with my mind blank all of a sudden.

"what..." I said clenching my fists . how they dare. Mrs parkes is the sweetest lady I have ever met in so long ever since I came to America. "yes ,she's been hospitalized few hours ago, and she's in perfect hands, okay" director said rubbing my back. "you don't have to worry about the safety of nadia too,we are fully in 24hrs protection ,so the case has opened and the polices are all in duty" brian said putting is fingers in his belt buckle. "we will find them in no more than 36 hours,they are not that hard in finding because they clearly left out alot of evidence in the house of nadia parkes which non professions do" blake said finishing brian's sentence . 

Sophia came and joined us then joined Robert and Jacob who were still arguing. I was sort of at ease when brian and Blake said that but still I have to protect nadia ,she's my girlfriend and my whole world after all. "fine I won't,i will leave it up too you two, but I will stay with nadia until everything is sorted" I said  leaving out a heavy sigh. 'what about the press?" jake said making a good point. 

" we will deal with it" director  said. although things are making It's away again, I have to be aware of anything coming in my way.  Nadia and laura entered the living room together,nadia seems quite happy and they both take a sit until nadia comes to me. I held her hand and said" i promise,to be here for you now and forever" we kissed until everyone cheered and were clapping. after 2 hours the clock hits midnight,the crews left, and it's just me and sleepy nadia laying on me at the couch. I smiled..."everything is going to be okay babe" I said kissing her hair. ding!ding! I took my phone and my eyes widen...

"can we talk..?" texted z



im trying to catch up all the chapters i missed :) 

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