16. Zendaya

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It has  been 6 hours of crying and yelling. 6 hours, since I watched tom walking away and 6 hours since I have not been coming out of my room. Although  Laura and sof  came and visited me an hour tom left, I didn't want them to see how horrible I looked even though I explained to them covered in my blankets and were sitting beside me. They manage to make me eat through the morning and afternoon somehow. Even when I lost my appetite, somehow they made me eat... I didn't want to leave my bed, I felt so heartbroken and miserable. It hurts every second and minute of the day to think about tom and i. if only I stopped myself from  kissing him. None of this would have happened, we wouldn't have become intimate and have sex. Worst part? We didn't use a condom. My cheeks were dried from the tears, but my eyes kept on pouring more tears. I felt all hot and sweaty because I haven't showered, and I have been in the blankets for too long. Sof and Laura would take turns in checking up on me on every hour and then... I removed the blankets and just stared at the window celling then my calendar. Shit. Tomorrow is riella's birthday. ''I sighed and wiped my tears when I heard the door knock. I am assuming it's Laura since sof checked on the last hour. I was right when I heard her cute voice . "Hey z, you doing good? It has been hours you haven't come out, are you okay?" she said with her gentle voice. My tears couldn't stop  running down my cheeks, but my cracked voice finally spoke"I'll be out...in a minute" I said placing my face into my face and silently breaking down. "Okay love, take your time" she said as I heard her footsteps fading.I finally stood up and open the door slowly. The sun hit my face especially my eyes which I shut it for a moment then opened.  I walked to the sitting room and Laura and sof gasped when they saw me.

They just hugged me silently. We hugged together as a trio. These are my girls. Best friends for life.  They have been there for me since forever, I love them so much. Did I look that horrible or miserable that they gasp I thought as we let go of each other? "I will get the plates and cup from your room, okay?" Laura said watching me nod and doing what she said. Leaving me with sof. Sof took me to the couch, and we sat there. I stared at the couch next to us, it was where tom  on top of me .Sof caught my attention when she was rubbing my back with circles. I stopped looking at that couch and looked at my fingers instead. "You wanna talk about how it's hurting you?" Sof said starting the conversation. Wiping my tears, I shook my  head and said"no, thanks...". I sighed and hugged sof   as she opened her arms. "It's gonna be okay sweetheart, I hope you and tom work out" she said. I needed this. I needed this so much. I broke out from the hug." Thanks, for- Sof silenced me. "Shhh, we're sisters" she said with a smile, "we do this together"Laura said finishing her sentence. I checked the time, and it was 3pm on the dot. riella would be dropped home in two hours by my neighbour, Isaac. Laura sat next to me and patted my back with her wet hands. I am guessing, she was washing the plates. We sat there silently awkward until Laura and my phone's phone vibrate at the same time. How iconic.  "Ah z, we have to start leaving" Sof said as she and Laura both stood up. I stood up with them and nodded with a small smile. We walked to the door and Laura pulled me in for a 2 seconds hug and then let go. "Call us when you need anything, okay, ?"  I nodded. " I will, promise" watching them leave, I close the door.  When I close the door, I saw that picture of tom and I. My eyes were teary and ended up falling, but I put on a brave smile and wipe my tears. "You're now gone, part of my memories"

Exactly after an hour of showering, fixing myself and the room, I sat down, laying on the couch with a heavy heart and took my phone out of the charger. It was 100%. Unlike my heart which is broken and lower than any negative number. Even though, I was done crying a lot, I still had marks which could tell I had been crying, I Remember the vibration from my phone earlier when I sat with sof and Laura, I decided to check the messages. 

                             ✨  euphoria ✨

Director :) : we will take a look at the scripts tomorrow, be here at 8 am Sharp.

Falling for my best friend {EDITING}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt