32) A sad day for the 2nd year anniversary

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Zendaya's Pov:

I woke up feeling happy but exhausted from yesterday's funeral. Everyone was there except tom of course, but it was beautiful. I cried not alot though, but I felt that I finally got the chance to say goodbye to her.

I hope she can finally rest in peace and finally meet pluto! They will forever be in my hearts,for now , I should take a break on getting pets,Just until I am finally ready to get a new one and move on from riella's death.

I wiped the little tears that were strolling down my cheeks and got out of my bed when my phone buzzed. "Happy +2 years " .

I smiled,smiled so much.

After everything we have both been through, I think it's safe to say that we are soulmates. Another year together still strong. I blushed and went to our chat to wish him. I should wish him before I take a bath.

"Happy two fucking yearsss mi amor, I love you so so so much"

He will answer later when he is on, so I don't mind. Besides, I need to do some shopping . I  left my phone on the drawer and danced happily to the bathroom. I literally can't believe that it was 2 years ago where we were having complications with each other.

And nadia.

No, I am not going to think about her or ruin this day. I got out from the bathtub when I was done. I grabbed a towel , wiped myself and quickly went to my room like I was a child.

I am just happy okay, I can't control myself when I am. Ou! I thought of a good plan. Maybe I should buy tom a gift while I am shopping and give him when he returns? No, actually , I'll buy a ticket and go see him.

Who knows when he is going to come back.

Enough distractions. I found myself dressed and fixing up my hair. I grabbed my phone when I heard alot of notifications popping.

But none from tom , just from a few friends and close members wishing me a happy 2-year anniversary.

I smiled, but I  knew it wasn't a smile when it dropped, I hope he is okay and that paddy is fine now. I tried to call him, but his phone wasn't on. Ugh I know for a fact that his phone is dead. Even paddy and Harry wished me .

I'll call paddy maybe after an hour or 2 if Tom doesn't answer, maybe he needs rest, or he is out without his phone which might be dead, and he doesn't know about it. Typical Tom.

I grabbed an apple and left the house. I need to shop, get new things and a present for tom. I grabbed a cab and began to eat my apple until I saw a message that gave me a lightening strike feeling. It was from nadia.

"we need to talk..." I suddenly choked on my apple until I was able to read that sentence for the 4th time. What does she want now? It's awkward for us to even talk, not because she is Tom's ex-girlfriend. Ew , that made me sick to the stomach, it's because of something she did which  I prefer to not discuss.

I said it before, and I will say it again, I am not letting anyone ruin my day. "No" and I sent the message, tossing my phone in my bag after I paid the cab driver and left. I rolled my eyes as I went in the shop, she just has to ruin my morning, what a bitch.

While I was searching some good gifts I could buy for tom, A bunch of girls came to me with their phones ready. ugh and I don't look my best right now. why? why do my fans spot me at my worst look? It's fine I guess, they will make my day so much better right now.

"Z-zendaya? is that y-you? one of the pretty girls said , I laughed. "Yeah" and watching them jump in excitement. "Can we-"The other girl said shaking her phone, as a hint. "Sure why not" I smiled and took a bunch of pictures with them and soon more people came, and it became overcrowded,so I left quickly through the crowd.

Luckily my phone as ringing when I was far away from the shop. Ugh I got nothing,but I will check other stores another day. I took my phone and jumped in excitement, it was tom. I was embarrassed when I remember that I was in public and saw  few people giving me a weird look,luckily they didn't recognize me.

I answered his call as I quickly enter the café where there were only two old couples dancing and I went to the back table, sitting down and so excited that he called. 

Me; (excited) Oh my God ! You dumbass, I have been waiting for hours ,happy second -year anniversary mi amor, I love you baby, and I am so happy that we are together for  another year , you make me so fucking happy-

mi amor: uhm can we talk?

My smile immediately dropped, and my heart couldn't stop beating fast

I cleared my throat before I answered

Me: We are already talking idiot (nervously) What's up...? It's our second year together, and you don't sound happy. Is there something you...w-want to say?

Mi amor: There is.

Fuck...what is happening. I don't like this feeling at all. At all. I feel like crying, it's like I know what is going to happen, but I want him to say it-

I feel so numb already and sick. I suddenly feel so exhausted . Get it together z, we in a café, and maybe It's something else.

"Excuse me, is there anything I can get you?" One waitress asked holding her notebook.  

"No" I said so soft I could barely hear myself, but she left with her smile.

Me: (swallowed hard) What is it?

I really felt nausea for some reason, but I had to wait for Tom's response. His voice sounded so heavy and heartbroke-

Mi amor: I slept with nadia.

And just like that,nothing remained the same...

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