11. zendaya

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I came out from the set with papers. oh boy im hungry ,i thought to myself. i stopped near the closest cafe from the set. i went in ,took some orders and went to sit down. i took a breathe in and out. yeah...,i may have not quitted the movie. okay i didnt. for two reasons okay? 1.because it would create havoc with the media across the world and thats not what i want ,neither does anyone right?. and the second reason may be obvious..but i have to fix things with tom. ugh yes i know the whole motivation idea of me quitting the movie and forgetting abt tom but my gut tells me not to.the papers i have? those are scripts...i couldnt bare to say 'i quit" to the studio universe when they were and are so excited so i just asked for the scripts of my role MJ early. the waiter interruptted my thinking and bought me the breakfast i ordered for. i smiled and thank the waiter. the waiter excused herself going to serve other customers. "yummmy" i said while chowing a it loud but stopped when i realised a guy staring at me weirdly.

its a random question or thought but i always wonder how my fans have the motivation to always make edits...its just s beautiful. i stan them <3. they probably think i am having a happy life full of joy etc. ha i wish i said finishing my breakfast. i drank the juice and tidy my table but another waiter called"bernice" came and helped me. "oh no ,i can do that 4 you" she said smiling. "i let out a little laugh "no its okay,perfectly okay,let me help" i said helping her throw away the box and cup and cleaning the table. "gracias"  bernice said waving at me . i waved back not knowing what to respond in spanish 'thank you" ,i mean i could have said your welcome but i dont know why i didnt.  i looked at the roads,it was a busy road. full of cars,and a blocked path creating traffic.  i remembered about the chow chow dog "riella" and went in the store. still as beautiful as ever. i told the owner of the story that i would be picking up riella in two days .and he agreed,he was sweet enough to say i should take my time.

I left the store and for some reason i felt my heart beat racing like a cheetah. did i eat or drink fast..? i just feel weird for some reason .  I sighed and continued walking,maby its the way  i drank.  My phone vibrated and i took a look and a saw a message from laura. "Z,hurry up! I got good news  for ya..waiting for u at home.xoxo laura". I left out a laugh because laura's messages are always ending with a "xoxo " like a letter . Mmh ,goodnews? At this point there isnt good news i have heard in a long time so why not. I texted back "okie gurl,on my way". Good news huh?

I finally reached home.  Taking a deep breathe  after an exhausting week, im glad its friday . I was about to lnock but realise its my house. Sof and laura are like the sisters i have never have before. I came in and close the door  ,i went straight to the kitchen because i heard some splashes. I saw laura cleaning the dishes and just as she was about to  finish her last one, sof came from the room . Wow, i thought to myself.  Was i that depressed? That my room has to be such a mess. I left out a smile . "Z!you back " laura said hugging me. I hugged back then pull out as i  put the papers on the table  . "Hey peeps"i said helping laura finish cleaning the table. "Sup Mrs holland" sof said smirking. My heartbeat stopped every 2 sec. I stared into sof's eyes and thought..about- No stop zendaya, you over him right? You wanna just fix things not fall for him.  I said letting out a deep sigh.

I could see that laura gave sof  the"you cross the line"look. I smiled "well isnt that title for nadia?" I said being stubborn  and washing my hands. Sof rolled her eyes. "no z don't start " laura said putting her hand on my shoulder. " what? Am i wrong or not?, i mean if he actually valued me or considered me he's best friend or if he really loves me or if i ever deserve that title, dont u ever think he would come and take a vist ..dont you think everything will be fine by now, dont you think he would have  atleast answered my god damn text i said with a bit of anger and irritation. I could  feel my blood boiling and the tears  running  from my eyes. I could tell that  laura and sof looked sad and that laura wanted to say something.  "And you fucking know what?i almost almost just close in quitting the movie. I almost gave up on him. I almost did what half of the broken heart girls in the world would have done but hey i decided to stay and fix things. This is not how best friends work, this is bullshit. Bullshit. If he can't even see or answer calls or texts then  why doesnt he even bother ending  this friendship. Oh wait thats right,it ended a  week ago. I wiped my hands and left  leading myself to my room. I slam the door and cried.. i cried.. oh tom why did i fall for you....why did i..? Why did i ..ran away that night.  Why the fuck does it hurt so much. Why do i have to be best friends with you without knowing i would be in love you. I wiped my tears and realised that my eyes has been red. I stayed in ny room for an hour wondering if laura and sof was gone. I checked the time 4pm. Ugh shit. I.dont even have the appetite to eat lunch. I think my battery died. K checked my battery,6%. Mhm..that'sgood. Whoever wants to call me ,i can use that as an excuse of not answering the.phone.  i noticed the messages from laura and sof. I smiled a bit. I guess they did leave.  Why am i so useless again??.
Laura: checking up on you after 3 days okay? hope you feeling better then,see you soon love and im sorry,u dont deserve to go through that .xoxo.
I left out a small giggle because of the xoxo again.
I responded : sorry for being a jerk:) and thank you girl. I owe u one.
Then went to sof
Sofiaaaah:  take all the time u need in the world princess,hope you feel better. Also we calling you in an hour to tell you something big. Remeber the good news? Yes that one. Bye!
I then responded: haha thanks sof!and okay???.
I switched off my phone not bothered to read the other ones.
I sighed..i guess i do need more time  and i wonder what the good news is. I groaned  as i got out of the bed, ugh damn. My stomach is all painful,maby its all the crying . I went to the kitchen and found my favorite desert  and the note says :"get well soon z!, yours sof and lauraaa!".
What would i do without my girls,absolutely nothing.  I ate my dessert with pleasure and washed the plate and drank a cup of juice.  I know i needed too sleep but first i need to charge my phone so that i can be able to answer sof and laura's call. As i  took my phone and charge it ,a bright. Message appear and no its not tom if you wondering. Its the director.
Director: its settle cast!we will meet tommorow morning at 10am est!. See you all there!
am..i finally going to see-
Bring !!bring!! The number and name "sofia " appeared on my screen. I answered " yes?? Big news?". Sophia and laura giggled then said " go open your door,wish you the best of luck! And they ended the call. Just like that. Hm? I said in confusion. I stood up from where my phone was charging and went to open the door.
This time..it was him. Really him. No high hopes. No disappointment.  No low expectations  or high. He was here in front of me on my door step. Who? You asked.
My once upon best friend,
Tom holland.

Falling for my best friend {EDITING}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt