Chapter Forty-Six: The Execution

Start from the beginning

"Tell me about the plan," the man said. Furiously and filled with shock, the woman turned his way. "What do you mean tell you about the plan?!" She asked. "Were you not informed?!"

"I was only told I needed to be strong and fast enough to carry a pregnant woman—the queen."

"Are you?"

"'Course I am."

The woman took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. She couldn't believe the cult got a musclebrain for this mission. "The queen's chamber is protected by a bounded field. I'm not going to explain how all of that works but long story short..." she started. "I could only temporarily dissipate that field for a few seconds. I need you to be fast enough to get in and get her." 

The woman turned sideways to take out a flower from beneath the layers of her clothes. "Whoa, where'd you get that?" The man asked, seemingly surprised at how she kept the flower within her clothes without ruining it.

Ignoring the question, the woman spoke. "This is a sleep-inducing flower," she said. "It's pollen, once inhaled, would keep the queen asleep."

The man was about to reach for the flower when the woman pulled it away. "I'll give this to you later," she said. "You would need to sprinkle the pollen on the queen's nose. To ensure she'll inhale it and that she'll sleep for as long as we need."

The woman placed the flower back beneath the layers of fabric that clung to her body. "Do you understand?" She asked. The man only nodded in response, causing her to frown. "Do you understand?" She repeated her question. "Y-yes," he answered.

"Good," the woman replied. She looked away from him and into the surrounding area of the house that they stood in the shadows of. She wondered how long that conversation went that the streets were all empty by now. 

Her mood quickly changed to dead seriousness. "It's time," she said before dashing off, not caring to look back if her accomplice has followed. 

In no time, the two of them arrived at the base of the ziggurat. In awe, the man spoke, "It's bigger up close than how I see it from outside the capital" The woman quickly shushed the man for there is no time to pay attention to details she never asked.

As expected, security within the ziggurat is tripled. There were several men by the base entrance of the ziggurat. "What about the guards?" The man asked. 

"I'll take them down quickly," the woman answered. "But before their spears fall, be quick enough to catch those before they thud on the floor."

The man nodded in response. She gave a nod in return before dashing inside. A hard blow to the vital parts of the body can quickly kill those guards. And so she made sure to hit them as hard and quickly as she can on the back of their heads near the nape before the other guards could react.

Once finished, she looked back to see that the man successfully caught the guards' spears before they hit the floor. For the first time tonight, she was thankful. The man carefully placed the spears down as quietly as he can before they proceeded to the higher floors, repeating the same actions until they reached the floor on which the queen's chamber is located. 

They were as cautious as they can be. For a quick while, the woman scanned the entire floor for any signs of Enkidu. Luck must be on their side tonight for she hasn't seen him at all.

She gestured for the man to follow her toward the queen's chamber. Upon reaching it, she pressed her back to the wall beside its entrance to sense any movements from the inside. She sensed nothing but the presence of the queen who is deep asleep. 

"On my signal, get in as fast as you can," she told the man, reaching beneath her clothes for the flower. He nodded in response as he took the flower and readied himself in a stance.

She placed her hand on the wall that she was leaning on earlier. She knew that the field's sigil is engraved there because that is where she senses the most magical energy. She chanted a few words under her breath before light emitted from her hand on the wall and the next thing they knew, the field dissipated.

"Now!" She said. On her signal, the man rushed in. As he did so, she casts another spell taught to her by the elders which fills in the magical energy from the barrier that was temporarily removed so that Enkidu would not notice the decline in magical energy.

Upon reaching the queen's bed, the man saw the queen slowly getting conscious because she sensed the changes that happened to her bounded field. Quickly, he plucked off the pollen from the flower's stamen and sprinkled it on her nose. 

Without waiting for another second, he lifted the queen off the bed and ran out. Once he got out, the woman took her hand off the wall. The moment she did so, the bounded field appeared once again. 

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