8: Most likley

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"So, let me get this straight. You quit your job?" Lacey asked as we walked through the halls of our school.

"Well, to be honest i dont think i wanted to work there. I mean, it was loud and annoying and really uncomfortable" i said.

All of us looked at Georgie to see why he quit.

"I quit because i didnt want to be left there with the wolves" Georgie said shrugging.

"So now what? You're just gonna come up with another business idea since the others worked so well we went out of stock" Riley asked.

"Well, i need a new job or else mom and dad are gonna burn me alive" i said.

"I'm sure they wont mind what happens to you, like usual" Milly said.

"No, when it comes to work they are extremely serious. But, when it comes to my well being they could care less" i said.

"Dont talk like that, I'm sure they care" Lacey said.

"They thought i was eight for six years" i said.

Lacey thought for a moment before saying "have you two ever thought of re-stocking your stuff?"

"Yes, but we also get sick of the business after a while" Georgie said.

"We'll think of something" i said shrugging.

"You two could always open a kissing booth. I'm sure kids would join it" Scott said and looked at Milly who gave him a 'really' look.

"I'm not even gonna reply to that" i said laughing slightly.

"Oh! You guys could come to where we work. Our boss, Mr. Ballard, might be heiring" Milly said.

"Dont you work at a shop?" i asked.

"Yep" Scott said.

"Ok, we can go there after tomorrow school. I need to buy some stuff anyway" Georgie said.

"What stuff?" i asked.

"Weights" Georgie said.

"Since when?" i asked.

"Since now" he said.

After school we walked to the 'Ballard's sporting goods' shop. Turns out when we went home yesterday we found out that Meemaw was dating the person that owns this shop. How good is that, we could easily get the job. When inside Lacey, Milly, Scott, and Riley walked off and left me and Georgie.

I looked around a shelf to see a man who fit the description Lacey gave us pretty well.

"Scuse me. You Mr. Ballard?" Georgie asked him.

"Yea, that'd be me" he said turning to look at us.

"I'm Georgie, Connie Tucker's grandson" Georgie said. "And this is May"

"Oh yea. The hair. Very pretty" he said to Georgie and i smiled, trying not to laugh at the way he said Georgies hair was pretty. "Hang on a second. I got to deal with this guy, ok?"

"Sure" i said. "Take your time"

He walked to another boy and held out two fishing rods.

"Here you go. Here's the rod you were asking about" he said. He handed it to him, then pointed to the rod. "Now, that's a good choice. Very solid. And then i just brought this one along to show you, just in case, later, you know, you get serious about fishing"

"Well, I'm pretty serious" he said.

"Yea. You know, I-I had a feeling. What's your name?" Mr. Ballard asked.

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