3: Part 2 ~From how hes catching, i agree~

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OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!! I FOUND A WAY TO CONTINUE THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Anyway to celebrate that i am gonna be writing this chapter so i hope you enjoy!

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For the rest of the try outs is was so entertaining. There were people getting out left right and center.

-and a kid even cried, but were not gonna talk about that-

Milly, Maddy, and Walter ended up getting in the team and we all cheered them on and occasionally laughed when Michal dropped the ball but no one is perfect.

So sorry that i didnt add the rest i got MASSIVE amounts of writers block from it!!!

After school me and Georgie went to his house and we were sitting in his room when we heard a knock on the door. I looked at Georgie when he didnt get up and looked at him confused.

"Just leave it" he said.

"Uh, you order something from the Mountain View Candy Company?" George asked from the other side and Georgie got up and walked to the door.

Georgie opened the door to show his dad holding a big box.

"Oh yea, thanks" Georgie said.

"The hell is it?" George asked when he handed it over.

"A big old box of candy" Georgie said then closed the door.

"Ok, but seriously what is it?" i asked.

"I thought of a new money idea" he said and sat on the bed next to me and put the big box in front of us. I frowned.

"Again?" i asked "didnt we do those snow globes a while ago?" i asked.

"Yes, but, this could give us so much money" he said "plus, i ran out of snow globes except for the one each person in the group kept and so now i need something else to do"

"Fair" i said nodding my head.

The next morning at school me and Georgie were going to walk inside to find the others when we saw them sitting out here.

"This way" i said to Georgie and grabbed his hand to lead him in the direction. When there we saw Lacey and Riley sitting on a bench while Scott sat on the back of the bench and had his feet on the seat of it and Milly was standing and bouncing a basketball in her hands.

"Hey guys" Georgie said when we arrived. They all looked up. They all said some type of 'hi'.

"Georgie came up with another business idea" I said.

"How much money are we gonna have by the end of the year?" Riley asked.

"A lot" Milly answered. "Not that anyone's complaining"

"Everyone stop talking and let the man tell us his idea" Scott said.

"Hes not a man" Milly said.

"Just shush!" Scott said and she raised an eyebrow at him before we all looked at Georgie.

"Were gonna sell people candy" Georgie said.

"Five dollars" Milly said.

"What?" Georgie asked.

"I need energy. A certain twin of mine kept me up till two in the morning to help her with homework" Milly said giving Lacey a look.

"In my defense i helped with your homework too, you should be happy" Lacey said.

"The homework we got yesterday and that is due in three weeks?" Riley said.

"My point exactly, look how much time i saved you" Lacey said.

Oh My God (Young Sheldon)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ