12: Get your ass in here!!

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I bet you cant guess where i am. Ok, on the count of three you'll say it, one, two, three, school!

"Now, can anyone tell me why Melville shifts the narrative voice from Ishmael to Ahab?" the teacher asked and i looked around to see everyone look like they would fall asleep. Well everyone but Sheldon who put his hand up. Also, Lacey and Milly look like they hadnt slept in weeks. There new brother has taken a big break on there sleep schedule. But while those two were literally asleep in class everyone else was very close to doing the same.

Again, except Sheldon. But even the teacher looked like she was going to fall asleep. She began looking around for anyone else to tell her the answer, but with Lacey down she was in for it. The teacher seemed to groan a bit before saying-


"I have a tummy ache" Sheldon said. "I'd like to see the nurse"

"A tummy ache?" Derek asked from directly behind Sheldon and everyone seemed to be paying attention now. Even i tapped the twins on the shoulders to wake them up.

"Guys, Sheldon stuff is happening with Derek" i said.

"I'm up" Milly said enthusiastically as she shot upright. Lacey just leaned against Rileys shoulder and he put an arm around her waist so the teacher couldnt see. Riley and Lacey are the cutest couple to exist and no one can prove me wrong.

"Yes, DEREK, i have a tummy and it aches" Sheldon said and me and Missy tried not to laugh at how he said Derek while Georgie just watched in annoyance. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Dont worry, worst case sinario, Sheldon says your name" i said.

"Dont you dare jinx it" Georgie said.

"Everyone fingers crossed" i said and we all crossed our fingers while Georgie rolled his eyes.

"Ergo, tummy ache" Sheldon continued.

"Ergo?" Derek asked.

"Oh no, bad move" Milly said as if this were a sport. At this point, everyone wanted Sheldon to get annoyed at someone so we were entertained.

"It's Latin, DEREK" Sheldon said.

"Go to the nurse" the teacher saidm and Milly groaned slightly before laying her head back on the desk and going back to sleep while Lacey was asleep on Rileys shoulder. Hm, idea. While Sheldon talked about the answer to the teachers question I quickly knocked my pencil over so i could crawl over to Laceys bag and quickly get a video of her and Riley with her camera. I got the others in it too before putting it away and going back to my desk.

"Best idea ever created" i said to Georgie who saw the whole thing.

"You say that now, but you wont be when she sees the video" Georgie said.

Thats when the door opened and Sheldon popped his head in to look at Derek. I quickly shook Milly awake so she could see this.

"And ergo is Latin for hence DEREK" Sheldon said and he left.

"Bravo" Milly said and put her head back on the table with a loud thud which i am sure hurt.

After that class we were walking to our next. I was basically holding all of Millys body weight and Riley was doing the same with Lacey. But he's got it rigged because hes stronger than me.

"Georgie, or Scott, either one, I'm gonna drop her if someone doesnt catch her. Three, two, one" i said then they both caught her.

"Scott can take her" Georgie said and let go.

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