4: Part 1 ~love and hate~

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not edited, so sorry:

I feel like i start here a lot, but, high school. Some call it fun, a way to catch up with friends, somewhere to get away from home. And i agree. Until i enter a class.

"The man who lived in the town was tall" the teacher was saying while she wrote on the black board. "Which word is the relative pronoun?"

Sheldon put his hand up and everyone in my groups eyes rolled but Lacey's. She got out a paper and pen, ready to write things down, i think. I dont know.

"Sheldon" the teacher said and i sighed, already knowing where this was going.

"Have you seen lord of the rings?" Sheldon said and Lacey put her pen down. Riley face planted. Scott threw his arms in the air. Georgie threw his head back in annoyance. Milly grabbed Laceys pen and casually threw it over her shoulder. Since we were in the back row, she didnt hit anyone.

"Oops, I'll get that" she said sounding really bored and got up to go pick it up.

"Um, i have, but thats not what were really doing right now" the teacher said.

"The relative pronoun is 'who'" Sheldon said. "Now, did you notice that in Fellowship, Elrond says that the foundations of Barad-dur were made with the one ring?"

I put my head in my hands as if i could drown out the sound of him talking. It doesnt.

"Lets say sure" the teacher said.

"However, in Appendix B, 'the tale of years', its clear that sauron began building Barad-dur in second age 1000, 600 years before the ring was forged"

I took my hands off and looked at the others to see everyone the same but Scott who was slowly hitting his head on the desk over and over and over again. I laughed a bit at that. I stopped when i saw out of the corner of my eye Georgie rase his hand and i heard Milly quickly sit in her chair next to me to see what Georgie does.

"Georgie?" the teacher asked.

"Imagine living with this" is all he said and i smiled to myself.

"An hour a day is enough" the teacher said.

When the bell rang we all jumped out our seats and rushed out the room.

"Ah, freedom, doesnt it feel amazing" Milly said happily.

"No, i like learning" Lacey said.

"Good for you, you confusing sister of mine" Milly said and Lacey rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, i am not in the mood to wait at Georgies locker for ten minutes, meet you boys in the usual spot?" i asked.

"Why not?" Georgie said in an annoyed tone.

"There are plenty of why nots. For starters, i dont want to" Riley said.

"He is slow as hell!" Scott said.

"It's ok, you'll live. Plus, if you bring some music then it makes him being slow less annoying" Milly said.

"I'm right here" Georgie said.

"Sorry" Milly and Riley said.

"Anyway, I'm going this way" Milly said.

"Same" me and Lacey said.

"Same-" Riley said.

"Nope" Scott interrupted "If i have to go, your being dragged down with me" Milly, Lacey and i went to my locker, then Laceys, then Millys. But when at Millys something fell out.

"Whats that?" i asked.

"Uh, a letter" Milly said picking it up, she looked at the cover and nodded in approval "In very nice handwriting"

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