2) Well, that was depressing

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"Who?" Milly asked. We were all sitting in the cafeteria for lunch while Scotts dad was now dating a new women and we were all so confused.

"Her name is Charlie, but i call her misses C" Scott said and all the girls gave him a confused look while the boys nodded.

"I thought your parents were done fighting" Riley said with his mouth full.

"Ew, Riley. Just ew" Milly said and Riley shrugged.

"Uh, i thought so to. But next thing i know my mom is in Australia and my dad is drinkin bear every day an' night" Scott said.

"Ay Georgie, why are your parents here?" Riley asked and i looked over to see that George and Mary were looking at Sheldon. Oh, they just found out there child doesn't like hanging out with people.

"LOOK AWAY!" Georgie said "Do you guys wanna attract attention?"

"Yea" i said.

"Why not" Milly said.

"Lets do it!" Riley said.

"Riley i dare you to sing in front of everyone" Scott said.

"AAAAAAAAA SA-" Riley was about to continue when Georgie put his hand over his mouth.

"Guys, shut up, I'm serious" Georgie said.

"And you guys thought i was a buzz kill" i said shaking my head and Georgie just rolled his eyes and went back to eating.

"Oh, I'll show you buzz kill" Georgie said.

"You wont beat my record of ten" Scott said, sure of himself.

"Your on" Georgie said and he began to put as many grapes as possible in his mouth.

"Eight, nine, ten, shit! He bet your record. eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen!!!" Riley said and Georgie slammed his fist on the table.

"Yea!" Georgie said and spat out all the grapes.

"EWW!" Lacey and Milly said at the same time.

"Wooooh!!" i cheered with Riley and Scott.

"You guys are gross" Milly mumbled and i just laughed.

After school me and Georgie walked through his houses back door and Georgie closed the door behind us.

"Georgie, May" Mary said as she cut potato's. I love there food here. Sorry, it's off topic, but its true. Georgie then opened the fridge door and looked inside for something while i looked over his shoulder. "Would you two please do me a little tiny favor?"

"Like what?" Georgie asked.

"Tomorrow at lunch, would you mind sitting with your brother?" Mary asked.

"Don't do it" Missy said from the kitchen table as she did her homework. Me and Georgie closed the door since there was nothing to eat.

"You stay out of this" Mary said.

"I ate with him in second grade. It really hurt my social life" Missy continued anyway.

"Sorry mom. Can't do it" Georgie said.

"Su-" i was saying before Georgie grabbed my hand and began to lead me out the room.

"Shhh!" he said and i just rolled my eyes.

"Sorry Mary!" i called. Then we both walked into Georgie's room and i fell onto Georgie's bed. "You are so nice to the mother who gave birth to you"

"What was i supposed to do?" Georgie asked as he sat down next to me.

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