22: You can earn it

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Ok, so i put it upon myself to find songs that i think matches the group and its members. So, yea. Guys it is the last episode till season three!! Ah!! Time flys by doesnt it!

Group= Home by Phillip Phillips

not edited:

Me and Georgie were sitting in his room, both doing nothing when-

"Georgie, May, get out here!" George called "I have a chore for you"

"What did you do now?" i asked as we both got up and walked towards the backyard.

"I didnt do anything, honest" he said and we arrived. "What?"

"Could you two go on the roof and attach this" George said pointing to a....... i dont even know what to call that.

"You couldnt just ask for something normal, could you?" i asked looking at Sheldon who i knew was the reason we were doing this. I then turned to Georgie "You heard the man, get your but up there and I'm going back inside"

"No, your helping me" Georgie said and i groaned but climbed the ladder and he followed.

When done we went into the living room and sat in the living room. I was sitting next to Georgie, holding one of his hands in mine so i could fiddle with his fingers and he had an arm around my shoulder. Georgie was clicking through a million different channels but couldnt find one to watch. Then George walked in, but we just stayed still, not bothered to move.

"You know, if we had cable, we'd have, like, 60 channels?" Georgie asked George. I looked between the two, knowing this would be interesting to watch.

"We have plenty of channels" George said.

"We have seven" Georgie said.

"Hey! There are starving kids in Africa with no channels" George said and i was wishing i had popcorn.

"Come on, it dont cost much" Georgie said.

"I'm not paying for television" George said. "Television is free. Always was, always will be"

"Your so cheap" Georgie said quietly but i heard it. And George heard it. I sunk against Georgie and the couch, knowing this was his death sentence.

"If you want cable, pay for it yourself" George said, sounding calmer then i would have thought. "Or better yet, try turning that thing off and go read a book"

"Read a book?" Georgie said like he was insane and i just pursed my lips so i wouldnt laugh. "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing" i said but continued smiling to myself.

The next day we were all sitting in our first class of the day.

"So, hows life?" i asked everyone since they were all quiet.

"Its..... certainly something" Scott said.

"Oh, Milly doesn't our aunt have a wedding on the weekend?" Lacey asked happily.

"Yea, i am super excited! Theres gonna be this outdoor forest and i really wanna go explore there" Milly said,

"But... we'll be wearing dresses" Lacey said.

"So? I've done it before" Milly said.

"Do you guys think we'll every get married?" Scott asked.

"I want to one day" Lacey said.

"Same here" Riley said.

"I dont think anyone would ever want to marry me" Scott said.

"What about you Milly?" Lacey asked.

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