12: Everything's gonna be fine

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While watching tv with the Cooper family i was not paying attention to anything but the ceiling. Yes, i know, it sounds crazy. But, when you are in a room, with a movie or tv show you dont like, do you pay attention. I didnt think so.

"Sheldon was going on and on about that thing today" Mary said and i looked at the screen to see aliens looking at a computer. I was between Mary and Georgie on the couch while Meemaw was on the other side of Georgie and George was on the arm chair. Missy and Sheldon were somewhere else.

"I've never seen one so easy to use" the alien said and i then remembered why i looked away from the screen. Sure this is an add, but still.

"Greetings. Need directions back to your planet?" The computer asked.

"This technology is more advanced than we thought" an alien said.

"You know that movie E.T.?" Georgie asked. "The kid who finds him, his name is Elliott. Which starts with an 'E' and ends with a 'T'. Coincidence? I dont think so"

"Ah, we all love random trivia" i said sarcastically

"Your gonna live with us forever, aren't you?" George asked Georgie.

"So, Sheldon wants a computer?" Meemaw asked.

"Ever since he could talk, but now more than ever" Mary said.

"Well, he should get a job after school" George said. "Save up and buy one"

"Get a job? He's nine" Mary said turning off the tv.

"I mowed lawns at his age, made pretty good money" George said.

"You want Sheldon to mow lawns?" Mary asked with a raised eyebrow. "He's so pale, five minutes in the sun, he'd burst into flames"

"I would pay to see that" Georgie said.

"Georgie!" i scolded and he held up his hands in surrender.

"Did you tell him we cant afford it?" George asked.

"Of course" Mary said.

"I could buy it for him" Meemaw said. "and then ya'll could pay me back when you can"

Mary, Georgie, and i all quickly looked at George for his reaction.

"Ok, Connie, now you're just insulting me" George said.

"Well, that was not my intention, but I'm glad to hear it" Meemaw said.

"i can pay my own bills, and take care of my family" George said.

"There are expenses we could cut back on so we can afford a computer" Mary said.

"You mean like money you give to church?" George asked.

"No, i mean like the money you give to the Lone Beer company" Mary said.

Georgie laughed and replied "Good one, mom"

"Shut up" everyone said and i laughed while Georgie poked his tong out at me.

"We're not getting a computer" George said then looked at Meemaw "We dont need your money"

"Where are you going?" Mary asked when George stood from his chair and he began walking towards the kitchen.

"To get a..... glass of milk" George said.

"He's lying, hes getting a beer" Georgie said.

"Shut up Georgie" George said.

I turned to Mary.

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