19: shove off

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4 chapters to go till next season!! I am so exited!!!

Not edited:

"Now we're looking for two binomials that multiply to get the given trinomial" our teacher was saying.

I really dont understand what she is saying a seconds ago i gave up on notes.

"I dont understand" Georgie said.

"Ok, so.... i dont understand either" i said.

After school was FINALLY over we were watching tv in Georgies living room. A women had just had her baby and i found this scene is so cute!

"Can one of you two help me?" Missy asked coming into the room.

"With what?" i asked sitting up.

"I dont understand my homework" Missy said.

"Your asking us?" Georgie asked surprised.

"You make that sound insulting" i said to him.

"But we dont even understand our own homework" he said.

"I know, but you are all i got" she said.

"What kind of homework is it? I'm sure we can help" i said.

"Grammar" she said and i patted the place on the couch in between me and Georgie. She quickly sat down while Georgie turned the tv off.

"I ain't great with grammar" Georgie said.

"Well, grammar's just talking, and we all talk good" Missy said.

"I guess" Georgie said.

"Here" i said putting my hand out and she handed me the book. I opened it got the page she was talking about.

"There's a list of sentences, and you're supposed to say if each one's a complete sentence or not" Missy said.

"The first one is, most people in the country" i said "that isnt a complete sentence"

"But ask me who drives pickup trucks" Missy said.

"Who drives pickup trucks?" Georgie asked.

"Most people in the country" Missy said.

"But now it does sound like one" Georgie said.

"I told you! Its confusing" Missy said.

"I cant help you" Georgie said.

Missy sighed and took the book, she got up and walked a few steps before turning back to us.

"Do you think we're stupid?" Missy asked.

"Sheldons in collage right now, and we cant figure out your homework. What do you think?" Georgie asked.

"Sometimes i tell myself i only look stupid because he's so smart" Missy said.

"Give me the book" Georgie said and Missy sat back down and gave him the book. He opened it and began looking through it. "Dont just sit there, make me a sandwich"

"Coming up" Missy said and got up. I sat where she was so i could see the page as well.

A few seconds later we figured it out and Missy sat on the other side of Georgie so she could see.

"Ok, this says 'a complete sentence always contains a verb" Georgie said.

"Which ones a verb?" Missy asked.

"A verb is a word that describes an action" me and Georgie read from the book at the same time.

"For example, i play checkers. You eat spaghetti" i said.

"We suck at homework" Missy said. "The action is sucking"

"So, the first one on your homework is, most people in the country" Georgie said ignoring her.

"I dont think thats an action word" Missy said.

"Neither do i" i said.

"I dont think this is a sentence" Missy said.

"I think your right" Georgie said.

"Now i just have to fix it" Missy said.

"Put a verb in there girl" Georgie said and handed her the book and pencil. She wrote one down and i smiled at Georgie.

"Your a good brother" i said, he just smiled at me before continuing to help his sister. I watched in aw.

The next day it was night and i was hanging out in Georgies room when a letter slipped under his door.

"Who could that be?" i asked.

"I dont know" he said and got up. He picked up the letter and i went next to him to see it was Missy's homework. She got 100%. I saw that Georgie was smiling at the paper.

"Did you cry when you saw it?" Missy asked through the door.

"No" Georgie said.

"Why not?" she aked.

"Because it ain't that big a deal" he said.

"Ok" she said.

I then watched as he hung it on his wall.

"Did you hang it on your wall?" she asked.

"Get out of here!" Georgie said.

"I'm telling people you cried" she said and we heard her running down the hall laughing. He then looked back at me.

"Aw! Your such a good brother" i said to him.

"Shove off" he said but was smiling slightly.

Sorry its so short!!

Words: 782

Pages: 2.1

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