3) Shut up

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Again this is not edited

Do you know what night i love most? Nights when Mary and George are out and Mee-maw looks after us. Sure, I'm not a Cooper, but it feels like it sometimes!

Missy is currently in her room singing, Sheldon is in the kitchen playing cards with Mee-maw and me and Georgie are throwing fire crackers in the back yard. Well, he's throwing them, I'm watching and trying not to freak out that it will burn the house down.

Georgie lit one and threw it at the garbage and i jumped. Georgie looked at me with amusement.

"This really scares you?" he asked as he lit another and threw it. I made a small sound and quickly moved away from it.

"For your information, i don't wanna have something blowing up and burnin!" i said.

"Nothin will burn. Stop over exaggerating" he said as he threw it at the ruff and i jumped.

"No" i said as i sat on the swings and he shrugged to himself and threw another. "Maybe dont throw one at the grass" i commented as he went to do exactly that.

"Oh my God, come here. You are going to throw one" he said.

"Your insane" i said as i continued to swing back and forth.

"Maybe" he said.

"Try and I'll kick you" i said since my feet were at his shoulder level now.

"Fine, you're loss" he said and threw another which made me jump.

"Ok, i dare you to throw it at the ruff" i said.

"Easy" he said and did just that, except this went so much louder in my opinion. Then the door opened to reveille George.

"Hey George" i said and stopped winging so that the swing would stop moving. Then i jumped off.

"May, go home" he said.

"Yes sir. Night Georgie" i said and waved goodbye as i went through the fence door and across the road to my house.

Me and Georgie entered the Cooper house the next day after school and saw Meemaw, Sheldon, and Missy sitting at the kitchen table. This isn't right, Meemaw wasn't babysitting today.

"Hey, what's goin' on?" Georgie asked.

"Dad's in the hospital" Missy said.

"What!" i yelled.

"Why is dad in the hospital?" Georgie asked.

"He's gonna be fine" Meemaw said.

"he had chest pains" missy said.

"He's ganna be fine" meemaw said.

"Can we go see him?" i asked.

"Nobodys goin' nowhere. We're just gonna stay calm, have a nice dinner, and wait for your mom to call and tell us what's what" meemaw said.

"I'm not hungry" Georgie said and walked out the room. i stood there for a few seconds before grabbing some bread from the counter that was left on two plates and walked to Georgie's room. When there the door was closed and i opened it and knocked. I saw Georgie was laying on his bed with his head in his pillow.

"Hey" i said. "Brought some food"

"Not hungry" he said.

"You need to eat Georgie" i said sitting next to him. He didn't move and i sighed. "Georgie he's gonna be fine"

"How do you know that?" he asked pulling his face out his pillow to look at me.

"Because he's at the hospital and getting treated" i said.

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