13: Then dont try

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At school we were at Georgies locker when he suddenly was on the other side of the hall talking to Veronica.

"Did anyone else get daja vu?" Milly asked. Lacey quickly turned to Riley and made an innocent face.

"Riley?" she asked in a very sweet voice.

"Yes?" he asked arching an eyebrow.

"Can you go over there ane see whats goin' on?" she asked and he sighed before going over and when they came back after a few seconds Georgie looked like he was solving a math problem.

"What happened?" i asked.

"Did you get shot down?" Milly asked leaning against a locker and crossing her arms.

"She has a boyfriend" Riley said.

"Wow, thats tough bro" Scott said patting Georgies shoulder.

"You'll live" Milly said rolling her eyes. "And this time, i wasnt talking to Georgie"

Scott looked up at her and glared.

"I thought cheerleaders were meant to be nice" he said.

"And i thought football players were meant to be smart, guess were both wrong" she said and i saw Laceys jaw drop and she was holding a camera which means she got the whole scene.

"You two really do hate each other dont you?" Riley said.

"Its a love hate relationship" they sad at the same time and shrugged.

"Lets... go to class" I said and we all began walking.

After school me and Georgie went to his house where he was still in an upset/thinking state. He hadnt talked the entire walk here and i was starting to think too. That road, is one you dont wanna know about.

When inside we saw Sheldon on the couch.

"Georgie, question. In the hallway earlier were you upset or hunger?" Sheldon asked. I slapped myself on the forehead. Really?

"Shut up" Georgie said and walked to his room. I quickly walked after him, but i got to his door when he had slammed it.

"Georgie" i knocked on the door. "Georgie!"

But he had no response. I groaned before giving up on patience and opening the door. He was throwing a ball at the ceiling while sitting on the floor.

"Huh, daja vu" i said remembering him do this before. I shook it off and sat next to him.

"I dont wanna talk about it" he said when i opened my mouth to ask what was wrong. I put a hand on his shoulder and we just sat there.

When dinner was ready we were just sitting on his bed and neither of us moved. Till i jumped from the sudden noise of Mary knocking at the door.

"Can i come in?" Mary asked.

"No" Georgie said.

But the door opened.

"Aw, baby" she said. "everything alright?"

"I dont want to talk about it" he said.

"You might feel better if you do" Mary said.

"I think I'm gonna wait outside, five you two a minute" i said getting up and walking to the door. I closed it behind me and sat next to the door so that then when she came out i could go back in and see if he was ok. I made sure not to try and listen to there conversation, even though it was extremely tempting, but i knew they needed there privacy.

I was half asleep when she came out and nearly hit me with the door because i was stupid enough to sit on the wrong side.

"Sorry" we both said and she walked to the dining room while i went back inside and shut the door.

"Ok, i need to do something" i said sitting next to him again. "I will do anything to make you feel better"

"Thats the thing, you cant" he said.

"I dont think thats true, i could screw up there relationship for you if you want" i said.

"No" he said.

"Well, I'm gonna keep bugging you till your better so prepare yourself" i said.

Later that night when i got home i went up to hang out with March because i wanted to be around my twin right now. When in his and Augusts room and flopped face first onto March's bed where he was looking at a piece of paper.

"Having a bad day too?" he asked.

"Not a bad 'day', a bad afternoon" i said.

"If you spill i will" he said.

"Ok" i said and grabbed his pillow so i could hug it under my chin while i spoke. "the guy i like is in love with another girl"

"Sorry Em, but that happens" he said.

"The girl he loves has a boyfriend, but he isnt over her so........ i think i need to give up on my crush" i said.

"Yea" he said and put a hand on my shoulder "You need to let go of your crush on Georgie"

"How did you-"

"Twin telepathy"

"But I'm serious. If you dont let go, your gonna get hurt" he said.

"I know"

The next day at school we were at Georgies locker when he began walking towards Veronica holding a letter.

"This is gonna end badly isnt it?" Milly said.

"Thats my guess" i said.

All the friend group watched as he began to hand her a letter but then a boy from our school called Bryan Larkin ripped it out his hand.

"Uh-oh" Lacey said and we all quickly rushed over.

"Whats this, a love note?" the boy asked.

"Give that back!" Georgie said trying to reach for it but he pulled it back.

"Oh, i dont think so" he said. Then he began to read it out. I cringed at how much this would hurt him. "'To my beloved Veronica, every minute im away from you is an eternity. But it feels longer than that. I cant eat, i cant sleep-"

Georgie began to speed walk away and i quickly ran after him because he is slow as hell at his locker but surprisingly fast at walking.

"Georgie!" i called till we were outside where i caught his shoulder and we stopped. I was practically gasping for air. "Georgie, are you ok?"

"A boy is reading out a love letter right now and you are asking me if i am ok?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, i just dont know how to make you feel better" i said.

"Then dont try" he said and ran off. I groaned in annoyance.

Ooooooooh, drama!!! And the best part is, i know what happens next and you guys need to wait *insert evil laugh* Anyway, bye!

(And sorry for the short chapter!)

words: 1,106

pages: 2.9

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