"Shit I should've told Madame Pomfrey that you were up! Stay awake for me Harry. Tell me more about what you saw."

"Everything was very white. It was blindingly white, which honestly is quite annoying. I couldn't even tell you where I was at the beginning, but we ended in the Gryffindor common room, a few, I don't know what unit of time to use honestly. Hours? Days? It was well before I had to say goodbye."

Madame Pomfrey quickly emerged from her room, yelling at Draco to get back in bed with Harry, casting spells over the both of them.

"Hold hands, be mindful of your injuries. Mr. Potter, once I'm sure you're stable, you'll be given healing potions. You were in critical condition earlier, and their usage would not have been wise given the issues. I'm glad to have you back with us."

"I know I'm your favorite patient Poppy," Harry said with a laugh.

"My favorite patients are no patients, because it means everyone is safe," she said fondly. "You're stable, take these potions and get some rest."

"It's safe if he falls asleep?," Draco questioned, just to make sure.

"Yes, and I encourage the both of you to sleep," she retorted firmly. "I can only hold your visitors off for so long."

"I was out for four days. Merlin tomorrow is Christmas Eve isn't it?! Send them in so I can yell at them to go home!"

"Less than five minutes Mr. Potter, I mean it. Mr. Malfoy, I presume you'll keep him in check?"

"Always," Draco promised, resting his hand carefully on top of Harry's.

"When you wake up again, I need to see both of you cast a spell. I want to make sure you're not draining the other, and that your magical cores are functioning as they should be."

As soon as the door to the hospital wing was open, everyone came filtering in.

"I'm fine, and you need to go home," Harry said gently. "Spend time with each other, and I'll join all of you as soon as I'm released," he promised.

"We didn't stay here this long to be told to bugger off," Ron retorted.

"And while it means everything to me, you need to be with Molly. She needs you now more than ever. I should make a full recovery, and I'll be over for Christmas, I promise."

Luna had brought Felix to visit, who happily licked Harry's face.

"Felix is very happy you're awake. Draco and I brought him to visit a few times each day, you know. We'll leave you to rest up Harry, we're glad you're okay."

"Can you have my mother take Felix please?," Draco asked her, giving him one last pat on the head.

"Of course."

With gentle squeezes of his hand, Draco and Harry were soon alone again.

"My boys," Harry whispered fondly, gently dropping his head onto Draco's neck. "I'd hug you but I don't know how bad my injuries are."

"Bruised ribs, sprained arm, fractured ankle. You're lucky you didn't sever your spinal cord with the way you landed!"

"I love you too much to ever let anything happen to you, but I promise you I'll be more careful. I won't put you through anything like that again. I don't want to be the cause of your pain."

"Go to sleep darling. We'll talk later."

"Goodnight my love."

Draco soon fell asleep too, "my love" continuously replaying in his head.

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