Chapter 18

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Draco woke up the next morning with a sore back, but he felt wonderful. He was snuggled up with Harry on the couch, a blanket wrapped around the both of them, and sighed happily.

"Morning love," Harry whispered. "Sleep okay?"

"Like a rock. My back's a bit stiff, I didn't expect to fall asleep on the couch."

"That's the curse of the Weasley sweater," Harry teased, brushing the hair from Draco's eyes. "Can I take you out today?"

"I'd love that. I should've brought clothing with me."

"I have a drawer cleaned out for you, you know. I think it's time you started filling it."

"I think you need more long sleeve shirts for me to steal. I quite like this one though."

"You can keep it."

"What am I going to do with a shirt with a giant H on it?"

"Change your name?"

"And what do you think I should change it to?," Draco asked, brow perfectly raised.

"Are there any constellations with the letter H?"

"Hercules, Horologium, Hydra, and Hydrus."

"As much as I would love to say Hercules after the Greek god, I think Hydrus would be more fitting since it's a water snake."

"Why would you call me Hercules?," Draco inquired, wrinkling his nose as he got off the couch and cracked his back.

"Because in the movie they called him Hunkules. I think that's very fitting for you love," Harry teased with a wink.

"Make yourself useful and check on my shirt."

Draco could huff all he wanted, but Harry knew that he was pleased with the compliment. Harry couldn't help the surge of affection that he felt towards Draco, especially after last night. He was starting to embrace his feelings and let them show more.

"Where are you taking me? What do I wear?"

"Comfortable shoes for the love of Merlin. Take whatever you want from my closet. Check the top right drawer, I think you left some trousers here and I put them in there."

Harry grabbed his own set of clothing and changed in the bathroom down the hall before he started on breakfast. Without even asking, Draco grabbed some fruit from the fridge, washed it, and began chopping it.

"Do pancakes sound good?"

"Anything sounds good right about now. We ate so early and then slept straight through the night."

"That's the power of good food, what can I say?"

"Have you ever thought about opening a restaurant?," Draco asked suddenly.

"Maybe in another life."

"I think you'd be really good at it."

"Cooking for others is a very intimate thing for me. I had no choice in cooking growing up, but now I do. I think any harsh feedback and critiques may just send me back with my family, and I won't be able to handle that."

"You told me that you were forced to be good at it, or else," Draco said gently.

"My family, the people I was forced to live with," Harry corrected, "hated me. It was clear that I wasn't family. They were physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive. I was the equivalent of a house elf to them. I wouldn't always get to eat but I had to cook for them. They would lock me into my cupboard under the stairs. They called me a freak, and I didn't know why. Growing up was hard, I have the scars to prove it."

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