Chapter 19

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Harry was still amazed by how quickly the winter season took Hogwarts by storm. Returning on December 2nd meant the castle was decorated for Christmas. It seemed that Hogwarts was absolutely bursting with Christmas cheer to compensate for the past few years.

"Good morning students, I have an announcement. Firstly, I hope you're all liking the new shift in decor. Now, I would like to make you all aware that we will be hosting a winter ball in two weeks time before you go on break. Fliers are posted around the school. I do hope that you will all be in attendance."

Ron looked across the table at Harry sourly, both of them thinking about the yule ball.

"This one will be better," Ron manifested aloud.

"Because I'm not going."

"You're going," Draco and Ron instructed in tandem.

"Apparently it wasn't a question," Harry replied, head propped up on his hand.

"It's our last year to make good memories," Ron said softly. "Take it."

"Right now I'm going to take breakfast up to my room."

"Do you want me to come with you?," Draco asked in concern.

"I need a few minutes. Make sure you eat."

Frowning, Draco watched Harry leave the Great Hall.

"It's not you Malfoy, fourth year was rough on him what with the tournament and everything."

"I just wish I could do more for him."

"Believe me, you're doing more than any of us could do, aside from Felix. I'm sure he's just going to take Felix for a walk or something and meet back up with you in class. Sometimes he just needs fo process and he can't do that when there are so many eyes."


After breakfast, Draco decided to go into his own room before visiting Harry. Opening his door, he gasped and stopped in his tracks.

"Do you like it so far?," Harry asked hopefully.

To combat his feelings of dread and the surge of unpleasant memories, Harry decided to put his plan for Draco in action.

"You decorated for me?," Draco asked in awe, eyes wide as he took in the room.

"I thought we could decorate my room together?"

"You're perfect. Absolutely perfect. I can't even say anything else right now. You've made me speechless."

"Let me show you what else I bought before we have to head to class."

If Draco wasn't enamored before, he was absolutely gone now. The whole day he was giddy, smiling, and laughing, and those in the school who hadn't known about Draco's change felt very on edge as he greeted everyone happily in the hallways. He held onto these feelings, and used them to motivate himself. He had a very important conversation to have, and it wouldn't do himself any good to completely let his guard down.

During this time apart, Harry was in Ron's room, sprawled out on his bed.

"What's up, mate?"

"I'm so far gone I think it's pathetic."

"I'd ask if there was trouble in paradise, but based off of Malfoy's smile all day, I'd guess the opposite."

"I think his smile is bright enough to scare away the dementors," Harry replied with a sigh, rolling onto his side to face Ron.

"Oh you're absolutely whipped mate!," he said gleefully. "What are you going to do about it?"

"I have this plan..."

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