Chapter 6

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"Master Potter, you is returned!"

"Hello Kreacher. I've told you Harry is fine."

"I told you that I is a noble house elf and I will refer to Master properly."

"Malfoy, this is Kreacher."

Kreacher gasped and bowed down.

"Young Master Malfoy! I has served your mother."

"Hello Kreacher."

"What can I do for young Masters? Should you not be at Hogwarts?"

"We took a day off. We're going to have some lunch now."

"I can get yous lunch! Kreacher needs to serve."

"I already ordered lunch-"

At Kreacher's glare, Harry stopped speaking.

"Erm, I can give you a shopping list?"

"Yes Master!"

After bowing, Kreacher went away with a pop.

"You live in the Noble House of Black?"

"I inherited it from Sirius when he passed. Kreacher came with it," Harry said, grabbing a piece of parchment. "Do you like pizza?"

"I do?"

"Fancy staying for dinner?"

"Is dessert included?"

"Name your price."

"Are you wining and dining me Potter?," Draco teased, perching on the counter next to Harry.

"Should I add wine to the list then?"

"I'll add it to the list."

As expected, Draco wrote down one he had never heard of. Harry had minimal experience with alcohol. He didn't think it wise to indulge as he didn't want to cause more problems for himself, so he had an occasional drink with his dinner, and that's about all.

"What do you want for dessert?"

"More of those cookies?"

Harry smiled as Draco perked up at the thought.

"If you'll help."

"You need to get better at this wining and dining Potter."

"Then maybe you should show me how it's done," Harry replied automatically, finishing the list and then summoning Kreacher.

"I is coming back soon Masters."

"Why does he call me Master?," Draco asked in confusion once Kreacher had left.

"Because you're a descendant of the Black family. I tried to set him free and he kept hiding from me. I gave up, so now I leave him a list of things to do so that he doesn't get bored. He's used to taking care of the place, so he doesn't particularly need it. He's not the best at caring for plants though. Which I'll show you, after I pop out and get lunch."

"Okay. I'll sort through the bags in the meantime."

While Harry was gone, Draco meticulously began sorting their purchases. One pile for Harry's clothes, one for things Draco had bought for Harry without his knowledge, and another pile for Draco's things.

"What's this bag?," he asked Harry once he had returned.

"A surprise. Let's eat, I'm starving."

They continued to talk about nothing in particular as they ate, until Draco brought up something he had been thinking about all day.

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