Chapter 10

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It was when they switched class rotations that Monday that it really hit Harry how close to Halloween it had gotten. Having to process that along with Slughorn's increased expectations, Harry felt himself deflating the closer it got to Potions.

Draco was walking with Harry to all of their shared classes, shaking off the stares. It was daunting sometimes being seen together, and that was another reason Draco tended to skip meals with his classmates. It was easier being alone, and not having to deal with any pretenses. Besides, Harry would join him for meals more often, and sometimes they would eat together in different parts of the castle.

Knowing Potions was after lunch, Draco brought Harry outside to eat, frowning as he pushed food around his plate.

"Hey, you have to eat," Draco told him gently.

"Not hungry," Harry replied, closing his eyes as he spread out in the grass, pushing his plate away.

He opened an eye in surprise as he felt Draco lie down beside him.

"But the grass stains-"

"You're more important to me than the grass. Tell me what's bothering you. You had a nightmare last night didn't you?"

The silence was all Draco needed to confirm, and he found himself entangling Harry's fingers with his own.

"Harry, look at me," Draco said sincerely. "If I had a nightmare and I woke you up, what would you do?"

"I'd get you a glass of water, hold you, and ask you if you wanted to talk about it."

"Why don't you give yourself the same courtesy? Why do you have to struggle alone?"

"I don't know how to ask for help," Harry replied quietly, throwing his arm over his eyes.

"Then don't ask," Draco replied, gently removing Harry's arm. "If you have a nightmare, you can't sleep, or anything happens where you don't want to be alone, then just come and see me. If you don't want to wake me up? Fine. There's always space in my bed for you."

"Okay. As long as I don't wake you up," Harry conceded after a few moments in thought.

"Perfect. I'll see you tonight though. Mine or yours?"

"Let's go yours. Your bed is more comfortable than mine."

"I can fix that, you know. Remind me later."

Harry bummed in agreeance, turning his head to look at Draco, whose eyes were closed.

"Are you gonna eat?"

"If you will."

Shaking his head fondly at the other man, Harry picked his plate back up.

"Thank you."

"Potter, you don't have to thank me for exhibiting basic human decency."

"No, I don't. But you do always go above and beyond for me, and I don't take that lightly. So, thank you."

"Any time."

"Did you... still want to be my partner? I understand if you don't-"

"Potter please we've partnered up in all of our classes this rotation and everyone has just about died over it. If I had any issues with being seen with you they would have been addressed beforehand.

Which I don't, just to clarify, because I know how your mind works. I like that we're friends, and you don't mind being seen with me. Whether or not I think that's a good thing is besides the point."


"I worry about you. I know you care, but people don't see me like you see me. I don't want you getting backlash for being seen with me, that's all."

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