Chapter 4

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It was a week later, and Harry was happy that Draco was going out on walks with him and Felix more often. Draco was quite pleasant company, and Harry found that he could talk to the other man about everything and anything.

Today however, was an off day. It had been a rough day in Defence, and both men were a little worse for wear. Draco had skipped dinner, and Harry seriously considered doing the same until Hermione dragged him down. Harry frowned, knowing Draco didn't have anyone to do that for him. Harry didn't eat much, so it wasn't unusual for him to bring a plate of food back up to the dorm.

Knocking on the door, it was opened quickly, and Harry shut it before Felix could come in at risk of him eating Draco's food.


"Hello Malfoy. I brought you dinner."

"You didn't have to do that," he said quietly, "but thank you."

"I wanted to. It was a rough day for both of us, and you weren't at dinner."

"Worried about me were you?," he asked lightly.

"I always am. I worry about you more than I worry about myself."

"You run directly into danger, that's not saying much Potter," Draco teased with a snort.

"You wound me Malfoy, truly."

"Are you always this dramatic?"

"Must've picked it up from you."

Harry narrowly dodged the pillow thrown at him with a laugh, and Draco couldn't help but smile.

"You're just something else Potter," Draco remarked, hiding his growing smile as he ate a bite of food.

"Something good I hope. I'll see you later, yeah? Got some Charms to finish up."

"Thank you Potter, really. This was very thoughtful of you."

"Of course."

With that, Harry was gone, and Draco was left alone to continue dwelling on his thoughts. Harry was doing the same as he got ready for bed a few hours later, wondering if he'd be able to sleep tonight.

He awoke from his nightmare with a start as Felix seemed to wake him up with a new fervor, and immediately started whining and pawing at the bathroom door. Harry thought he just had to use the bathroom, but Felix tugged on his pajamas and tried to drag him into the bathroom too. Immediately Harry was worried and opened both doors.

The sight before him stopped him in his tracks, and he was thankful he had Felix to wake Draco up. Draco was twisting and writhing painfully, his blankets tangled around his body acting as restraints. As Felix carefully woke him up, Harry's brain finally kicked in and he ran to get a glass of water, and then removed the blankets from Draco's arms and legs.


Draco was confused. He was sweaty with tears in his eyes and his hair was matted down, not to mention his face was now wet and Harry Potter was staring at him while there was a dog in his lap.

"Nightmare," Harry explained. "Here."

"Thank you," Draco whispered.

Harry did not like this quiet and timid Draco one bit. He was broken and vulnerable, and Harry wondered if that was what he himself looked like when he woke up from a nightmare.

Giving Draco a few moments to collect himself, Harry decided to open the window to let some fresh air in, exhaling heavily as his own nightmare washed over him.

"Are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that." Harry cracked a grin.

"It's normal, but today really was hell. I'm sorry if I woke you?" Draco's voice turned unsure at the end of his statement, making it sound like a question.

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