Chapter 20

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Very quickly, Draco realized that they simply weren't going to talk about it. The only acknowledgment was Harry winking every time they walked past the mistletoe. He was beginning to wonder if Harry was getting caught on purpose, working up the nerve to kiss him. And what a kiss it was. He needed to talk to someone, but who did he talk to when he couldn't talk to Harry?

It was either his mother or Luna, and he didn't think he could talk to his mother about this. Not right now when she was already suspicious over their relationship. Draco didn't think she would mind, in fact she would encourage it. He needed someone who would tell him like it was, and that's where his cousin came in.

If Narcissa could tell something was off while they were over, she didn't let it show. Draco was sure something was written all over his face.

"Draco, will you come outside with me?," Harry asked suddenly after checking the time for the tenth time that day.

"I suppose so..."

Draco wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't a giant Christmas tree loaded on top of a truck.

"Harry?," he asked, trailing off in shock.

"Happy Christmas love," he said endearingly.

Harry would've been snogged brutally had Narcissa not made an appearance at the front door.

"I trust they know how to bring this inside without breaking my door Harry?"

"No worries ma'am, we're professionals. Just point us to where you want the tree. We'll get the base set up and then position the tree to your liking."

Draco was absolutely giddy watching the tree be set up. He watched in awe, not even noticing that Harry had left again. Harry had left to retrieve the decorations as instructed by Narcissa, smiling as he snuck glances at Draco.

Harry couldn't believe he had kissed Draco. Being so forward was terribly unlike him, but he was sick of being stuck under the mistletoe and having to be freed. It gave him an excuse to get it out of his system, at least that's what he had told himself. The kiss was brief, but Draco's lips were oh so soft, and Harry had to stop staring at them while the other man talked.

What had he been thinking? He wasn't obviously, and he kept waiting for Draco to bring it up. If he did, Harry decided at that moment that he would confess his feelings for Draco. That couldn't be too hard right? Their first kiss was technically already out of the way. Shaking his head, Harry put all of his energy into moving boxes.

Checking the time, he ran to the drawing room to meet his guests at the floo. He simply couldn't stop smiling, especially as little Teddy crawled over to Draco, who picked him up in surprise.

"Well hello there Teddy," Draco cooed, kissing his cousin on the forehead. "Aunt Andy, I didn't know you'd be stopping by."

"Our Harry is full of surprises isn't he?"

"He certainly is," Draco agreed, smiling as he watched Harry pull faces at Teddy, Harry's face turning into a smile as he saw Draco smiling at him.

"You two better not spoil him rotten," Andy warned.

"He's going to get everything I never had," Harry promised softly, letting Teddy squeeze his fingers.

"He's going to get more than what I had," Draco replied, shrugging his shoulders to ease the tension.

"There isn't much you didn't have dear."

"Precisely. I need someone else to spoil you know."

Harry didn't miss the way Draco's eyes roamed over him, and he rolled his own in return.

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