Chapter 24

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Whatever Draco had planned, the other two men made sure he did it on Harry first. He let Draco fix eyebrows and style his hair to his heart's content. Draco was so busy making sure his friends didn't look like complete idiots, that he missed lunch. The knock on the door went unheard by him as he was so focused on the task at hand.

"Did you forget it's lunch time?," Hermione questioned, walking into the room with a basket.

"How in Merlin's name did I miss lunch?!"

"Time flies when you're having fun," Harry teased with a snicker.

"Honestly, you're all hopeless."

"Oh save it, Malfoy just gave us that talk," Ron lamented.

"By the state of the room, I'm sure it was deserved."

"Welcome to Malfoy's Menagerie," he welcomed with a snort. "Hair care, skincare, getting wrinkles out of dress robes, tailoring, color matching. What can't I do?"

"Can you get heels polished?"

"I'll be in your room in five."

"Eat first," she instructed, pulling plates out of her bag.

"Thanks Hermione," Neville praised, digging in immediately.

"Slow down. The ball is fully catered, buffet style."

"When are you going to get ready, Granger?"

"An hour or so?"

"Is that enough time?," he asked in horror.

"I don't see why it wouldn't be."

"We'll discuss this later, after I eat."

"Ron, your hair!"

"Is it awful?!," he asked in horror. "I told Malfoy-"

"No, no! I quite like it actually," she replied, face reddening.


"Yes, oh," Draco mocked. "Feel free to ruin it after the ball, Granger, you don't even know what I went through for this."

"Oh I have video!," Neville offered cheerily.

"Just wait for your turn," Ron threatened.

"You forget that Malfoy has done my hair on multiple occasions now."

"Are you okay Harry?," Hermione asked gently, taking a seat next to him.

"Nightmare earlier."

"I'm sorry. Can I do anything for you?"

"Lunch was enough, thank you."

"I know I forget to eat sometimes, and you would always bring me food."

"I, we, appreciate it."

"Alright Granger, let's see those shoes. You three, don't touch anything," Draco warned. "Including your faces."

"Yes sir," Harry replied with a wink, cuddling up to Felix.

"Ew mate, keep the kinks to the bedroom," Ron replied, wrinkling his nose.

"This is the bedroom Weasley," Draco replied with a feral grin.

Draco walked out to the sound of Ron gagging, holding back his laughter.

"Alright Granger, shoes. Let's see the dress too."

"These are the shoes, the dress is hanging up in the bathroom, let me get it."

"I love the blue color, and the silver accents are stunning. Do you particularly care what I do with the shoes?"

"I... I trust you. Do what you feel is right."

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