Chapter 21

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"We can fall asleep anywhere," Draco said sleepily the next morning, snuggling into Harry.

"You have that effect on me," Harry rasped.

"I make you tired?," Draco teased, poking Harry's cheek.

"You make me safe and comfortable enough to be able to relax and fall asleep when you're by my side. Or curled up into my side."


It was far too early for feelings, so Draco closed his eyes again, protesting when Harry got up a few minutes later.

"Breakfast," came the whispered promise, a kiss pressed to Draco's head.

"I'm not hungry right now."

"But you will be, and you're insufferable when you haven't eaten you know."

"I'm never insufferable. I'm a delight. A national treasure. Perhaps an undiscovered wonder of the world."

"Believe me when I say you're my eighth wonder of the world."

Draco covered his face in the blanket in embarrassment, listening to Harry's chuckle as he walked away. Stretching out, Draco decided he should take a shower so that he didn't smell like the fireplace. Fire wasn't quite so scary with Harry by his side. He felt invincible when Harry was around.

Emerging from the shower, he chose his softest sweater and a pair of joggers. He was fixing his hair when Harry walked into his room, wrapping his arms around Draco. He buried his face into Draco's neck, inhaling.

"Excuse you. I'm all clean, and you are not."

"Inviting me into your shower? Should've done that before you came out of it."

"Potter!," Draco hissed. "My Mother does live here you know, and she hears everything!"

"Can I shower after I eat?"

"Might as well. I'll have to show you how it works."

"Is it not a normal shower?"

"Oh Harry my darling, you have lots to learn."

After breakfast, Harry learned that Draco wasn't kidding. It took him twice as long to shower while he was trying to figure out how not to blast himself in the face with all of the nozzles. His skin felt absolutely amazing once he toweled off, and Draco must have agreed since he couldn't stop touching Harry.

"Did you choose your robes then?," Narcissa inquired as they got ready to leave.

"What do you think of these?," Draco asked, pointing to the two they had decided on.

"Perfect. I'll have the accessories prepared myself. I'll see you both next weekend."

"There's still snow on the ground!," Draco said excitedly, gathering some between his fingers.

"You're so incredibly special."

"I didn't even do anything to prompt such a response."

"You're here," Harry replied with a shrug, as if that explained it all.

They continued to walk the grounds, following the path so that they could apparate near Hogsmeade.

"If I did something stupid for a good reason, would you still support me?," Harry asked suddenly.

"I'm still here aren't I?"

"I hope so."

Draco opened his mouth to ask again, but something about Harry's expression made him stop.

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