Chapter 25

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{A/N: Make sure you read Chapter 24 first, or else you're going to be very confused}

Harry did his best to cast a modified feather lightening charm so that he could reach Draco in time. Grabbing onto Draco tightly, he shielded the other man with his own body. Eyes closed, he cast as many spells as he could think of.

Cushioning charms, bouncing charms, protective charms. The list goes on, and the air was vibrating with the sheer amount of magic that was pulsing through it. The increased energy was too much for Draco, who promptly passed out and fell limp in Harry's arms. The last thing Harry remembered as he shielded Draco from impact was bright flashes of light, screaming, and the feeling of falling right before his body hid the ground, absorbing the brunt of the fall.

When Draco awoke, he tried to sit up, terrified to find he couldn't move.

"Mr. Malfoy, relax. You're in the hospital wing. You're in a body bind to prevent further injury. I'm going to release you, but you must take it slowly, do you understand? Blink thrice if you understand."

Draco did as instructed, exhaling slowly.

"What do you remember?"

Draco closed his eyes to recount events, and jolted forward when he got to the part about Harry.

"Mr. Malfoy!"

"Where's Harry?!," he asked frantically.

"He's in the bed next to you, he's still unconscious," he replied calmly.

"I'm going to be sick."

"In the bin please!"

She handed him a glass of water to rinse his mouth.

"I have half a mind to put you under!"

"No, Harry needs me!"

"Mr. Malfoy, can we talk about your prognosis first please?"

"Fine. Then I want to know about Harry."

"You must have fallen unconscious during the drop. I need to know why. I thought it was because of the change in elevation, but you were a very promising quidditch player."

"The air. I could feel the magic in the air. It smelled like sulfur. The air felt... alive. I couldn't handle it, I guess I blacked out.


"Mr. Potter isn't doing very well, I won't lie to you. I'm only telling you this because you're... close. He's put himself into a magically induced coma."

"Have you examined his magical core?," Draco asked suddenly.

"The standard spells-"

"Search deeper."

"Mr. Malfoy-"

"Please. I have a hunch. He would lose control over his magic and then he'd be tired. He would get dizzy too. I didn't think of it earlier, but I should have. It never came up in my research, but he cast so many spells on the way down, he had to have used up all of his magic in a panic. He tried to save me...  he jumped after me without even thinking about it... and now- now he's-"

Draco cut himself off at the feeling of tears rolling down his face. Clearing his throat, he turned away from Madame Pomfrey.

"Do the spells."

It took a few minutes, but the resounding gasp from Madame Pomfrey confirmed his findings.

"His magical core is shutting down," he whispered, turning his head to look at the strands of magic. "What's that?," he asked, wiping his eyes as he stood up to get a better look. Is that- is that a hole?"

Therapy - Drarry ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن