Chapter 11

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The night before Halloween, Draco had made sure that he spent the night in Harry's room so that Harry didn't wake up alone. This proved to be in his best interest as Harry woke up thrashing in the middle of the night.

"Potter, wake up! Harry, you're having a nightmare! Come on darling wake up," Draco pleaded.

Draco unwrapped the blankets from Harry and held him close, pushing his sweaty hair off of his forehead. Felix was doing his best to help wake Harry up, but this nightmare was different than the rest.

"Harry darling, you have to wake up for me."

He suddenly sat up with a start, hand flying to the scar on his forehead, smashing his head into Draco's.

"Shit, I'm so sorry," he choked out, tears streaming down his face.

"I've got you, you're okay."

"I don't think I'll ever be okay," Harry choked out.

"Tell me about it," Draco offered.

"I can't- I can't... talk. Show?"

"You- you want to show me? Are you sure?"

"Felix, pensieve. Fetch."

Draco watched in shock as Felix did as told, coming back with a shrunken pensieve.

"Can you?"

"I don't have my wand."

Harry handed Draco his own wand, removing it from under his pillow. Draco cast the spell, and instead of Harry removing his own memory, he grabbed a vial from his nightstand drawer and captured a few tears.

"Too shaky," he explained.

"Are you coming in with me?"

"I've seen it enough times."

Before diving into the memory, Draco got Harry a glass of water and a cool towel for his forehead. Gently wiping down Harry's face, Draco's heart broke for the other man. He didn't deserve whatever he had gone through.

"I'll be right here okay? You'll be okay Harry," Draco promised, pressing a kiss to Harry's forehead.

What Draco watched in the pensieve was absolutely horrible. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't the brutal murder of Harry's parents. That explained why Harry's hand flew up to his scar once he woke up. Coming out of the memory, Draco had a lot of questions, but now wasn't the time.

"They loved you so much Harry, they're so proud of you."

Harry was openly crying now, holding his knees to his chest while Felix comforted him.

"Come here Harry, I've got you. I'm not leaving you."

Draco pulled Harry into his lap, wrapping a blanket around the both of them.

"Everyone I care about leaves me. You should leave now before I get even more attached. It'll hurt less."

"Harry my darling, you have been dealt an exceptionally bad hand, and I cannot even begin to fathom all that you have gone through. I know that I've contributed to some of your pain, and I know that I can never fully take that away from you. We both hurt each other, but look at where we are now.

Don't you want to see how our relationship grows over time? We have so much more to learn about each other. You have so many recipes to teach me how to cook, so many muggle traditions to introduce me to. I'm keeping my word and we will find out all that we can about where you came from. We'll go next week if you'll accompany me.

There were days I never thought I would make it through the night. But you know what kept me going? You did Harry. Even when you were just Potter my rival, I knew that as long as you were alive, there was a chance that we would all make it out of this. Because you have a strength within you that is unmatched.

Therapy - Drarry ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin