Chapter 12

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When Draco awoke next, it was to Harry holding him and running his hands through Draco's hair.

"Can never let me be the big spoon can you?," he mumbled, huffing out a breath.

"I like having something to hold on to when I sleep."

Draco untangled himself from Harry's embrace, then wrapped his arms around him.

"There you go. I hug you, you hug me, we go to sleep. Goodnight."

"It's dinner time Draco."

"You're insufferable Potter," he muttered, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"You're cute when you're angry."

"You can fuck right off it's too early for this," he sneered, barely being able to fight off his reddening cheeks.

Draco got out of bed and stretched, too tired to see the way that Harry was looking at him. He walked into the bathroom, patting Felix on the head as he walked by. After washing his face, he sighed in contentment, then jumped in surprise as he saw Harry watching him from the doorway.

"You're going to kill me, do you know that?"

"Sorry. I just wanted to know where you wanted to eat..." he trailed off questioningly.

"Wherever you want. But I'm staying in my pyjamas I don't care."

"Do you think that we can finish our picnic before it rains?," Harry asked.

"We can try."

"Come on Felix, it's time to go outside."

Draco loved how they had fallen into a routine when it was time to go outside. He knew it was his responsibility to take Felix out, and Harry would take care of the food. Depending on how long Harry was gone, Draco would begin to set up their spot. Because really, that spot did belong to them.

Today was one of those days Harry was lingering longer than usual, so Draco decided to lay back and watch the dark clouds roll in. He felt himself beginning to drift off again when Harry returned, his face set in a hard line.

"What did she do?," Draco demanded, immediately sitting up.

"She just gave me that look she gets before she starts to lecture, so I put on the cloak and left. I just need this one day. Is that so hard?"

"Come here Harry darling. I've got you."

"I like when you call me Harry you know."

"You're still Potter when you irritate me."

"I'll forever irritate you Malfoy. I know you like it."

"I'll admit it this one time. We need to eat before the rain starts."

They were finishing up their meal when Luna came to visit them, an airy smile on her face.

"Hello Harry, hello Draco."

"Hi Luna," Harry greeted fondly.

"I'm glad to see you're doing better today Harry. I was quite worried about the balance of nargles surrounding your head. Draco helps to keep them away from you, it's quite nice."

"Draco helps to keep a lot of things away from me. He's like a good luck charm."

Harry didn't think the (mostly) joke would have some sort of magical explanation from Luna, but he listened to it regardless.

"I'll take Felix in for you if you'd like. I'm on a mission for the incandescent hopper and I'd be grateful to have his assistance."

"Of course Luna."

Therapy - Drarry ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon