Chapter 7: Stepping Up

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As your footsteps grow quieter and quieter, Pyrrha's knees grow weaker and weaker. And when the final footsteps is heard and then fades away, her knees loose all strength as she collapses on her knees, her head down, crying heavily.

Jaune: Pyrrha... are you okay?

Pyrrha continues to weep for a few more minutes. When she stops, she raises her head up straight.

Pyrrha: I love him Jaune. I just told the man I love my feelings for him and now he's gone. So no, I am not okay.

Jaune's face adopts a mixture in confusion and concern. He places a hand on Pyrrha's shoulder. causing her to jump.

Jaune: is there anything we can do to cheer you up?

Pyrrha sighs sadly as the memory of her first proper kiss with you plays in her mind like a VHS.

Pyrrha: no I'm afraid not, Jaune....... excuse me for a moment.

Pyrrha stands up from the floor and moves to her dorm room, when she arrives, she heads toward the bathroom. Once in ten bathroom, she moves to the tap, lets out cold water and splashes her face with it, cooling her down and cleaning the tears that have dried.

Pyrrha: look at yourself Pyrrha, getting all emotional over a... over... him. That idiot. But he's my idiot.

Meanwhile with Y/N

Master Kohga: you seem a bit more moody than last time. Something happen?

As Master Kohga awaits your answer, you pause for a few moments, trying not to cry over leaving your beloved Spartan. You continue to walk, quickly catching up with Master Kohga as you finally have an answer.

Y/N: many things happened, Master Kohga.

Master Kohga: start from the top.

You sigh heavily.

Y/N: I told my friends and teammates exactly what where I was going, no bullshit excuses. One of them, a Schnee-

Master Kohga raises his hand to stop you.

Master Kohga: wait a minute, you're friends with a Schnee?! Y/N, I hope you know what you're doing! It's that damn Jacques that started this nonsense in the first place!

Y/N: I sincerely apologise for speaking out of turn Master Kohga, but I wasn't finished.

Master Kohga: continue.

You shake your head and continue to speak.

Y/N: once I said where I was truly going, Weiss got angry and accused me, and the entirety of our people for being horrible people. I lost my temper for an infinitesimal moment and quickly educated her on her foolishness.

Master Kohga, now intrigued, speaks up.

Master Kohga: that's all well and good but I get the feeling there's more.

You chuckle as you quickly unsheathe your katana and decapitate a rouge beowulf that pounced toward you.

Y/N: indeed there is. I explained why I have my loyalties toward the Yiga Clan and I...

You clear your throat before speaking again.

Y/N: I told them what happened with Sooga.

Master Kohga hangs his head down in mourning of Sooga.

Y/N: lastly, I... I made my teammates cry... as well as...

You freeze in place for a moment, memories flooding your mind. Master Kohga turns to you in concern.

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