Chapter XXXII: Blood

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author's note: hi! if you've already read this chapter please read it again

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author's note: hi! if you've already read this chapter please read it again. i split the chapter up and added a santiago pov. it made more sense this way.

         Spring was in full swing as flowers sprouted and rain was an everyday occurrence. Milo had named his snake Swan after the swans he saw in France. She was growing little by little each day. Milo was now handling her, carrying her around his neck or on his arms. It made me nervous be he seemed to have a good understanding of boundaries with her. Santiago was a bit more busy these days but still made time for Milo and I in the early mornings and evenings. 

        Santiago, Milo, and I were watching a kids movie on the television when his phone started ringing. I turned to face him as he looked at his phone, reading the caller i.d. Milo was cuddled on my chest and Vito was laying his head on my lap. 

        "Let me take this real quick. I'll be right back." Santiago looked guilty as he placed the phone to his ear and exited down the hall. 

         I turned my attention back to the movie as Tiana sang the best Disney solo to exist, Almost There. Faintly I could hear Santiago over the phone. Thunder was booming outside, rain harshly hitting the side of the house.

        "What do you mean by that?" Santiago said, his voice had never sounded so cold. 

        The rest of his conversation was a hushed muddle from over the t.v. I quickly checked my own phone, waiting for a text from Luciano and Qiang. They were currently at a doctor's appointment to check on the baby. We still didn't know the gender as they wanted it to be a surprise. 

       Santiago reentered the room with a displeased look on his face. "I have to go to the office but I'll be right back." 

        I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Santiago leaned down to kiss me on the lips and then kissed Milo on the forehead. I didn't have much to worry about since the guards were scattered around the house but I always felt uneasy when he left. I never told him though, I didn't want him to feel guiltier than he already did. 

        We continued to watch the movie long after Santiago left. The movie was always my favorite as the music as top tier. I always wanted to visit New Orleans even though I heard it could be a little chaotic.

        'Ding!' My phone chimed causing me to pick it up nervously.

        Luciano: The baby is healthy and growing beautifully! :)

        I laughed at the smiley face as it was very out of the ordinary for Luciano's texting style. I leaned down to tell Milo that Aunty and Uncle's baby was doing well. I wrote a text back and hit send. But it didn't send. I tried again, confusion rushing through me.

       "That's weird." I mumbled to myself, Milo turning to look at me. 

        I swiped down to check how many bars I had but the phone said I had no service. Maybe the storm had knocked out a telephone pole. I squinted my eyes before putting my phone down back on the couch. 

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