Chapter XXV: Death Becomes Him

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         "Baby, get up." 

         "Baby, I need you to get up, we have to go." 

         I heard the voice calling me clearly this time but I couldn't comprehend what was happening. I slowly slipped into consciousness, my brain beginning to  process that the voice was Santiago's and he sounded worried. I shot out of sleep, my heart already beating rapidly. Santiago's hands were wrapped tightly around my arms. His eyes held a grim shadow. 

        "What's happening, Is Milo okay?" I searched his face as if the answers would be reflected in his expression.

        "We have to go wake Milo up." Santiago opened his mouth and then closed it as he struggled to get his words out. "Antonio was found dead in his hotel room."

         "Who-", I blanched. "What does that mean for us?"

         "I don't know yet. But it means we're in danger and we have to go. The jet is ready for us, we just have to get there." Santiago bit his lip.

         "Okay." I breathed out deeply, my air coming out in shaky wavers.

         "Go get Milo, I need to grab a few things. I'll meet you at his room." Santiago kissed me harshly before pulling away from the bed.

          I followed immediately after, ignoring the ache that started at my bottom and ran through my body. I ran to Milo's room, finding my way through the dark. Milo was laying in his bed completely flat. Milo didn't sleep on his back, he slept on his side. I ran to him, grabbing his face in my hands. Only then did I notice something was wrong. Instantly I got a flashback to that very first night he had been sick. But this was worse. His cheeks and eyes were severely swollen and rashes ran up his neck. He was releasing small puffs of air, he couldn't breathe. 

         "Santiago!" I yelled, my voice ripping through the air. My chest constricted with a type of agony I'd never felt. 

          I laid my head on his chest to hear his heart beat. His heart was beating even quicker than mine. 

           "Fuck." I fought the hot tears and painful constricting of my throat. My world felt like it was spinning. The timing couldn't be worst and something told me we wouldn't make it out of here. 

           Loud footsteps were heard until Santiago burst through the door gun in hand. Once he saw Milo's state he dropped the gun on the drawer by the door. He got onto his knees next to me.

          "I think he's having an allergic reaction." I stuttered over my words.

          "We have an epipen in the first aid kit. Can you give it to him in the car? We have to go, now." Santiago grabbed my cheeks to look me in my eyes. I had never seen him look so stressed in his life.

          Apparently I didn't answer fast enough because Santiago was already on the move, picking up Milo and grabbing my arm.

          "I'll give him the epipen, okay?" Santiago adjusted Milo so he was laid over his chest.

          "And what will I do?" 

          "You'll drive." 

         My hands shook as they tightened painfully on the wheel of the car. My eyes nervously flickered to the directions as I heard the hurried hands of Santiago ripping open the epipen. He sat in the backseat with Milo, Milo laid flat on his lap. I could hear him slip the epipen out of its plastic cap. I tried to focus on the drive but all I could see was the singular dark rural road. There weren't any street lights. 

        The next thing I heard was a loud clicking sound before Santiago punctured Milo's leg with the large needle. The pain seemed to wake Milo out of his sleep as I heard a gut wrenching yelp of pain. I let out my hundredth deep breath of the night and tried to focus on the wheel in my hands. We had to get to that plane. 

        "I'm so sorry baby boy." Santiago whispered to Milo, I could hear the pain in his voice. "Blue the jet is coming up. We're almost there, okay? You're doing good."

        I could feel Santiago scan my body from the backseat most likely seeing the tenseness of my shoulders. I did feel a bit better though now that Milo seemed to be breathing easier. We were almost there. But life couldn't be that easy on us could it.

       I continued down the path when the road split in 3 different directions. My eyes moved back to the directions once more but it continued straight ahead. But little did I know a car was hidden just to the left of us waiting at the crossroads and the minute we approached, it accelerated faster than any of us could think. In seconds the only thing I could feel was pain as metal collapsed around my body. My ears rang and deafened as sound exploded around me. Now my world was physically spinning instead of figuratively. 

        All my life I had never really imagined my death but I can at least say I didn't think it would come so soon. My last thoughts were of my family, the ones I had found in the oddest of places. I could only think about if Milo would survive this, if Santiago would. And before I knew it, all I saw was darkness.


author's note: i'm so sorry...

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