[side] Sage & Finn (1)

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Thursday, July 21st

It had been a while since we kidnapped anyone as cute as him. Usually, they were all businessmen twice our age who fancied little kids.

The man strapped to the chair looked 'round my height, with a good build. He had a chiseled jawline, thick lips, and a small, pointed nose.

Yeah, he was exactly my type.

I didn't get to take a look at his eyes, and the way his hair was covering them made it difficult to see them.

It was then when I had an idea. I felt like making things fun.

If his eyes were brown, I'd kill him. If they were hazel, I'd leave him alone. If they were blue, I'd pursue him.

I saw slight movement from him, and I backed up, standing up straight. His feet shifted slowly on the floor, and his once drooping head raised itself to face forward. In that moment, his eyes flickered open, and I smirked under my mask.

They're blue.

He took a look around first before his eyes fixated back on me, and he scanned up my body until he reached my face. Instead of questioning me, he started to cackle like a mad man.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry this is just so embarrassing for me." He stopped laughing to catch his breath. "I can't believe I let myself get kidnapped by a ginger."

I like this one already.

I chuckled, brushing off his implied insult. "Instead of attempting to squash my ego, how about you tell me your name?"

He hesitated, biting the inside of his cheek. "Finn."

"Well Finn, this 'ginger' is here to keep you company before my boss gets here." I stepped away, walking to the wall to lean against it. "You might want to watch your tongue with him. I'm a lot nicer than he is."

When I figured out that was how Finn was, it made me wonder if his leader was the same; attractive and full of snarky comments. He better be glad that Dawson was merciful for once.

"And you?" Finn gave a curt not in my direction.

I tipped my head to the side. "Hm?"

"Your name?"

"I never said I would tell you mine." I grinned when he rolled his eyes.

"I have a question," Finn slouched down into the chair. "It's an important one, probably more important than what your name is."

I arched a brow. "Go on."

"Why the fuck are you wearing a mask?"

I waved a hand over my face. "To stay mysterious, obviously."

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